(no subject)

Feb 27, 2007 21:28

I was walking through Sproul today because I wanted to take the bus because it was pouring. (Bad joke: today gave new meaning to the phrase "Hail to California" because it keep actually sporadically hailing) Moving on, so I randomly (literally randomly, I almost walked passed it like I normally do) stopped at this table that had a banner on it with summer jobs and the environment. I talked to the guy there for a couple seconds saying that I was interested in a job and that it would really fit my major. He told me that if I had time that second (it was like 2:05) that they were holding a seminar in Eshelman Hall at 2, so it would just be starting.

I went into Eshelman, and when the "seminar" started there were three other people besides myself. They gave us applications (which I didn't finish filling out) and they talked about the program. It's actually one of those kind of annoying grassroots political campaigns to get the public informed about environmental issues (going door to door talking to people, and going out in public in general and again, talking). They said that they paid $4,000-$6,000 for the summer depending on how many signatories or donations we manage to get. Then they mentioned that if we were interested in leadership positions (and a slightly higher pay) that they offered a field manager position.

Then they had one on one interviews. I talked to the guy who I had first seen on Sproul. He asked me a general senario question something to the extent of someone saying that they believe that their senator or councilman should just take care of the problems and that there was no need for a "regular person" to get involved. I made up some answer as to this country being a democracy and that the public needs to tell our politicians what we want otherwise nothing will get done (except in a more wordy and eloquent manner of course). Then he asked if I was interested in a potential field manager position and if I had any leadership background. Finally, there was the all encompassing question of why I wanted to be part of the program. Well, first of all, I just sporadically decied to stop at this table and then go to this seminar/interview/thing so I didn't really know why I wanted to join this specific organization. I just ended up saying that it pertained to my major and it was an area of environmentalism that I was really interested in because it had a focus on change and a lot to do with the beginnings of environmental policy.

He just looked at me and basically said that he would really like to hire me for this organization, and that he would like to hire me in a field manager position (so I would make more than $4,000-$6,000 during the summer). He said that I had good communication skills, it seemed like I have a good leadership background and potential to do really well at it, and that I was really passionate about the subject. Go figure, all of that from one interview. So I didn't finish filling out my paper application (like, "previous jobs") and they're just going to contact me later.

So I randomly got hired for a job on the spot. Considering that they have an actual office in Eshelman (the ASUC building) they're pretty connected with the school and they're sponsored by a lot of popular environmental organizations that I've heard of so I'm guessing it's rather legitimate *fumbles through paperwork.* If it turns out that it isn't, I could always just not show up. In the meantime, yay! Take that computing center!

Now onto midterms *ugh*
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