Jan 03, 2006 15:31
Ever heard of keying a car? yes? well, last night i keyed MY HAND and it HURTS. annoying as a paper cut, but bigger and deeper and it was done with a freaking KEY! go figure how that happened.
i've been buying a lot of shoes lately. i think im starting to understand the whole typical girl obsession with shoes thing...unfortunately, this has also made me understand the typical "ohmygosh im soooooo poor" thing as well. for every action there is a reaction, right?
my new years eve was...interesting..and nothing like i had mapped it out in my head. went places i didnt think i would, midnight kiss went to someone i didnt think it would, went home earlier than i thought i would! i think i was in bed by like 12:50. if i didnt remember how ridiculously tired i was...i would probably think myself quite pathetic for that. or maybe not...my new years resolution is to be more optimistic, a little less cynical, enjoy things instead of dismissing them, ya know?
i saw phillip and saad and scott and pj and ashley and mikey and all those people last night. frisbee at 1am on the parade grounds.i just about ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have fun with them...its amazing. definitely missed their spontaneous ways this semester, but now they're just as close as the NOLA!