Aug 04, 2005 00:12
We need love and passion for other ppl. Do we really care about them? They need us...
Also I've heard of ppl talking about not being challenged in church... here is the thing... We are missing a vital part of our growth in God.... evangilism and service. Its not just something you do after you are all spirited up....NO... it's part of our growth. The past few weeks, I have been the closest that I have been to God in a LONG time, and there were no awesome speakers, rocking band, on your face worship, emotional highs, misty eyed small group sessions.... its was straight up letting God use us. Of course we had fuel time like the after the day sessions where we talked about what happened and Eric lead some songs in Brasil, and the individual guiet time at the MR camp and prayer of course, but then we turned around and let what God poured in us pour out on others. Its amazing waking up feeling like crap and thinking there is no way you could do anything and God says "Your right, but I can!" and then he picks you up and uses you. Its amazing feeling like God is literally moving through you. Its also amazing how God can point out your faults while you serve. You may think you are not spiritually ready to tell someone about a relationship with God because yours isn't right, but let me tell you, in a time when you are being a instrument for God is one of the best times for him to point out the leaks in our faith.
Yes times like Big Stuf and winter retreat are important, but God has so SO much more... he has WAY WAy more than what I experienced too...He is never done.. it makes me want more... It makes me want to get to work here... But then again I am a little scared about it. But God can take those loaves and fishes we bring and feed a multitude, and then he can turn aroung and do it again.
We can't just serve to serve though... or serve to get the feeling. Anybody can do that. We got to be willing to let go of our plans of how we want to serve (which is butt hard for me to do) and forget about how we look (also hard for me to do) and tune in to how God looks and what the ppl around us need. Thats one of the ways we love our neighbor as ourselves and God with all our heart soul mind and strenght.
We are cheating ourselves out of a dimension of our relationship with God if we depend completely on a church service to draw us closer to God. If we neglect our purpose of evangilism and service we could be condeming someone to hell and leaveing someone without hope or leaving them feeling unloved. There is someone (probably more than one) person out there that needs what God has given YOU!! Are you going to give it to them? Are we going to let God move through us, speak through us, heal through us, love through us, and meanwhile speak TO us in the process? I hope so. My experience was just a taste to get me in the swing... I can't forget that taste... I gotta work here and continue what God has started. I pray that I don't let the hunger die. I can't. I want to be closer. I want to effect lives. I want you all to as well.
Keep growing in knowlege and understanding!!!
love ya