kiss me I'm Irish... for real I'm Irish...well, maybe just hug me

Mar 17, 2005 15:37

Happy St. Patrick's day ( Read more... )

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with love krystalrk May 12 2005, 23:31:34 UTC
Good to hear from you again.
First of all we are not called to condem, only God can do that. So, please don't do that. The Holy Spirit is at work in me and I don't doubt he is at work in you. I struggle with argueing when I shouldn't. I am only answering your questions so that you know why I believe the way I do just like I would tell a non believer why i believe God created the world. I started this letter a few hours ago and realived that I was writing in anger so I changed it. Please read this in a tone of voice that is loving and informative not preachy or condesending :) The bible says "6Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control leads to patient endurance, and patient endurance leads to godliness. 7Godliness leads to love for other Christians,[a] and finally you will grow to have genuine love for everyone. 8The more you grow like this, the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 peter 1:6-8. We are to love others before we are supposed to correct them when we think they are wrong.
I am searching the scriptures deligently and when you match up what the Bible says in whole to how ppl translate the scripture about women, it doesn't match up. And reading in the original language says something too. God made both man and woman in creation to be of "one flesh", and gave both charge over creation. He died for both and called both to do his work. The problem is that we sinned, therefore the relationship of 2 become one and submition unto each other got knocked out of wack and we have to depend on God to help us.
There is also a scripture by one of the very authors of the supposed "shut up the women" verses that says "28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (galations 3). And also in 1 Corinthians 11 (not long before one of those verses)Paul gives instructions on how a woman should be to pray and prophesy publically. Now those instructions are instructions on how to be respectful in church like how we sometimes dress up or guys have to take off hats. It wasn't necassarily law but Paul was preparing women to prophesy (give a message from God to ppl)publically. Also Jesus spent a lot of time empowering women. He sent women to give the first gospel messages when he could have easily sent men (woman at the well and Mary to the disciples). Men would have been trusted better. He also taught women which was a big no no in the jewish tradition (some rabbinic sayings says "Its better to bury the Torah that to intrust it to a woman). Mary the sister of Lazuras was curled up at Jesus's feet listening to what He taught instead of hiding away in the kitchen like women were "supposed to do" and when Martha told Jesus to tell Mary to be a woman He said that Mary choose the better part (this also adresses the ? about where does it say those women weren't allowed in church.. no Jewish woman was even allowed to be taught scripture). So if there is a contradiction with one verse with the whole of scritpture, we can assume that we misinterpreted that one verse.
Ok so how do we reconcile it. One way is to look at the language. First of all in 1 corinthians 14:33- 40 it says that women should be silent in church and should ask there husbands latter. But then in 36-40 it seems to contradict it. Well at the begining of 36 there is a Greek letter that looks a lot like an n. That letter is a conjuction like a cross b/w our but and our or. It is a conjunction that cancels out what is said before it. Paul does this a lot in Cor. He is quoting a statement commonly given by "judeiser" (ppl who were trying to turn groups of Christians in a synaguge) and then he refutes it. Paul is a very sarcastic fellow. In some translations that in is translated into "what?!" or "or" or "but" it could be translated as "bunk!". Here or some more examples of how Paul did that:1 cor 1:12-14, 6:1-2 6 & 9 6:15-17 6:18-20. KJV and RSV really catch that well.


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