Can you tell I love clear files? Keito is Keito. Pretty guitar rocking guy who doesn't get half the attention that he should (I'm surprised Hey!Say!JUMP hasn't been renamed "Yamada and the JUMPs" or something yet) Yuto's only got bought because "Risou no Musuko" has made me love his acting and the more I see him on the drums the more I like him. The group HSJ was required because that one is more of a memento of the concert. TeniPuri... in London. Had to be bought. And two from the museum.
I'll go through the 300+ photos I took in Tokyo today, actually get around to finding the nice ones and write up all my notes from my trip. But in the meantime see the random things I bought. Some of these are gifts for people (charms, touristy stuff).
Alas, I was also hunting for some Hetalia stuff but Tokyo seems to be a haven for super mainstream stuff (thank god TeniPuri2 is quite popular here) and the obscene male fantasy hentai stuff and nothing in between. So I couldn't find any to send off to my friend. *feels bad*
EDIT: I also found a book store that stocked English books and picked up "A Game of Thrones" because I am dying to see how the TV show holds up against the original format.