Ack... what do I do??

Feb 03, 2012 19:35


I've been told by my supervisor that I have a job for next year. Very good news.

Now comes the iffy part.

The BoE muffed up a bit and forgot that they really should have let other companies bid for the contracts this year but it sounds like they realised this a bit too late to get it done in time for the next school year - April. So they've given the company I work for a short contract for 4 months up till the start of the summer. And for the second term they shall do things properly and go through the whole bidding process.


I have 2 choices.

I can stay put for 4 months, not have to move apartments or cities, and hope that in the summer my company will win the contract again. And if they don't then I will be moved to another city. I will have a job for a year. That has been made very clear for me.


I can state now that I want a full year contract and go to another city somewhere else and have a year there.


I love my schools. I love this area. I very much want to do another full year here. But obviously that isn't guaranteed at this point. I have until Monday to give my supervisor my "plan" for what I want to do. I'm trying to get my head around it and think of any questions I want to ask over the weekend. But my brain won't let me think properly right now.

It sucks that the only person I can talk to about this right now is in a bad mood and won't say anything beyond "that sucks" which is not helping in any way, shape or form.

japan, work, confused

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