Well, I have gotten adventurous thanks to a beading kit I got for free. I made this really pretty agate coil bracelet. As I finished it, I realized it was fairly simple to do and thought about trying it in lapis - one of my favorite gemstones. So wandered to Michael's and bought some supplies and made one. Liked it so much I made one in a green jasper for my sister and a red for mom. I had enough leftovers that I made more and decided to see if they will sell. Put them up on ebay... now to see.
I've also been doing some other work with beads I've bought at Bristol ren faire in the past. Made a sparrow dangle for my bodice. Hoping to work on 2 things for my sister for her this weekend. Let's hope the weather clears up today so I can sit by the pool and work. A lot easier to do it there rather than at home. I have 10 furry persians who love to help.
Speaking of furry persians, I did adopt Tiffany from the shelter. Another Persian, she'd been there since Valentine's day. Her previous owners were moving out of state and I guess there must be a new law that says tortieshell Persians cannot cross state lines... Must get a picture of her.
But here are some of my bead projects: