Oct 28, 2007 00:29
After these last two weeks of obsessing over homework and grades, I decided that I'll do what I can, but I am quitting caring about the overall grade and crying/complaining over each test or asssignment. It was freaking me out and frustrating me, which is not healthy. Therefore, I will pay better attention in class and try to remember more, but won't stress as much when I don't know something...I cried over a test for crying out loud!! Granted, I like havng a high GPA and I'm getting a D in the class for my best efforts, but I shouldn't let that run me...that and another detail oriented class.
I also decided (or figured out) that I distanced myself from God and others during this time, making me self-centered and negative...both things that really annoy me in other people (gee, I wonder why **rolls eyes**). So, I NEED to kick my butt into gear and keep doing my homework ALONG with regularly studying my Bible and sincerely praying...too bad the temptaton to just hang out and be lazy is strong, which meanis it needs to be fought through.
Haha, I'm telling everyone this, but here it is on here anyway. I'm at home right now, and stepped on my scale yesterday for the first time in a month and a half, only to fing that I've gained 10-15 lbs from living on campus...I told myself that I wouldn't gain the freshman 15 starting college, who would've guessed I'd do it in my 4th year? I know I gained weight, but not that much...so now I feel kinda fat (but know I'm not) and decided that I should eat less of the fatty things my school offeres and move around more...expensive, healthy food here I come!
Oh yeah, and my roommate is planning on living in a different dorm next semester, so if any females who live on campus at UWEC want to move in w/ me, you can.