The Sentinal

May 07, 2006 19:42

So today I went to see The Sentinal because I did some background work on it and I had to see if I showed up anywhere.. well my leg showed up for a split second.. my leg. Why. Oh well my leg still did a wonderful job. What is it with my random body parts getting in shots and my face not getting in there? Oh well.. Keifer Southerland is a hot mo fo. I had a dream about him a couple of days ago where I was having a huge birthday party and everyone was there from Captain Kirk to the queen of England.. and of course Keifer was there. And he gave me a jello mold that was shaped like the earth and he was like "open it up!" so I did and inside it was this huge blue jello horse. He moved me to tears and then the next thing I know I'm making out with him in one of those cart holder things in the wal-mart parking lot. Weird dream! Wonder what it means. Anyway! Back to the movie.. It was awesome! Loved it. And at the end (won't give it away) they need a password to get in somewhere and the first lady yells out "It's Crystal, the password is crystal!" and then Keifer had to yell my name a couple of times... Man I want that sound file on my computer! Yeah, I'm crazy. sooooooooooo then mom and I went and ate chinese food and that rocked. And in even more random news my lower back is killing me and I don't know why. I fell down a couple of days ago (a week ago? or more?) while I was trying to throw a voodoo doll out the window.. HAHA! and I landed on something and I bruised the hell out of my butt bone thing.. what is that the coxics? Cockics? Coxics? oh I said that already.. whatever you know what I mean.. and I think I've been trying to sit weird to like not hurt my tail bone anymore and it's made me throw out my lower back... you turn 22 and you start falling apart! haha. Ok I'm gonna go work out.. bummer! I don't wanna do it!

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