how i seem feel about my livejournal

Oct 25, 2004 17:54 user info states, and i quote:

I write in here because I feel I need an outlet. I sometimes wonder if I am getting too personal, but you know what? It's my journal, I can let it get as personal as I fucking want. So if you choose to venture on, beware. I am prone to mood swings, don't really like people bitching at me, can't stand to read critiquing, and don't really care what the hell you think of me, because you don't matter anyways. Remember: I am who you don't want to be, and you're like me anyways.

i suppose i fail to explain that i also don't have to read things i don't like in on my friends' list. yes, that means that sometimes i just scan over an entry if it starts blah blah blahing about things i don't like, but more often than not i read them. after i make a post stating that i am removing people who post overly political stuff in their journals *not what YOU feel is overly political, but what I FEEL is overly political* i usually mean it. yeah, i may comment on something you say if i don't agree with it whole heartedly, but i'm still going to remove you when i'm done. why? because i'm a bitch like that. i know it, and it doesn't bother me. WILL piss me off if you sit down and not only comment back to what i said, but copy it and send it to me under 2 different email addresses, like i'm not gonna read it. what the fuck? i mean, do you think that i am so rude of a person as to not read the FIRST damn comment you made? fuck you.
oh, and here's a nice political comment just for you hun....
you keep saying that you don't want some pushy christian male running our country. guess what dumb ass. its always gonna be a pushy christian male running the country. that's how we were founded. you say you want more women's rights. right on. go ahead and fight for those. while you're at it, you can get all those models and business women who are also fighting for "women's rights" to put some damn clothes on and actually use their brains to get ahead instead of their breasts. you want this choice for women to have abortion? fine. go right on ahead. how about instead of pushing so hard for abortion, you teach these women to *gasp* use a condom! or perhaps *gasp* try not having sex and needing abortion as birth control? i cannot understand why you sit there and push so hard for these troops to come home because "they're out there dying" but you still think its okay to commit murder against someone that YOU HELPED CREATE.
so yeah, fuck you.
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