Jun 13, 2007 13:59
"Teenage Angst"
Woe is me
Woe is my life
Teenage Angst.
My parents care about me
Oh, how I hate them!
I have a microscopic pimple on my chin
Oh, how ugly I am.
I have everything I could possibly need
How life sucks!
How crap it is
To live in a country with hospitals and schools
And clean water and advanced technology
I could just cry!
My mother even makes me dinner
I wish she'd just leave me alone.
My boyfriend says he loves me
Such lies!
Nothing ever goes my way
No one understands me
At work I am slave labour
I might as well be in a Third-World country
Making 20 cents for 8 hours' work
Digging through garbage in 40-degree heat
Than serving customers in an air-conditioned resturant
Life is so unfair on me
I always get the short end of the stick
Even at school, teachers tell me what to do
Its just so horrible getting an education
Bettering my chances of getting a good job later on in life
Nothing ever goes right for me
If only life was perfect
"Melody Williams, 2006"