Oct 23, 2006 05:13
I have way to many online journals lol. i have a myspace , a msn space and a this livejournal. i can't keep up. lol!
ooh I applied for a gradute diploma in legal practice course today. hope i get in.
as u can see my typing skills are poor. lol. i don't hit the keys properly.
just watched the da vinci code movie on the weekend. isn't as good as u woudl think. not much da vinci codees in the movie. liek they don't do much deciephring of codes in the movie. hardlye ven touch on the code stuff and da vinci painting a few couple of second senes. csndiering the titlesyou'd think there would be more. do more in the book. and even in the book.
had a boring trust accounts class this morning. although its betetr than legal ethics class.
met my neighbour a couple of houses down who's a lawyer. so hopefully get soem work experience with him. hop so. have to do some sucking up lol. wish me luck. no seriously seems interesting. our legal ethics teacher reuqries scuking up ass kissing to even get u to reply to her e-mails. she actually said so lol. can u beleiev it? well it's true. i was so shocked. well i gotta go type up lectur enotes and read cases so i can graduate after this semester.