Starbucks is not just for delicious coffee...

Feb 17, 2007 09:33

I had to get up early today to take my cousin to work. That being so I decided to stop at Starbucks to get me a chai tea latte (yum!!!). I don't know how many people actually pay attention to the cups they give you but I always read "The Way I See It." I usually end up with the same one over and over again but this time I got something new. I liked it so much I decided to share it with everyone who happens to read my little space on the Web.

The Way I See It #192

Many people lack a spiritual belief system and fill that void with obsessions about celebrities. The celebrities are raised to the rank of gods, and these earthly gods will always fail the expectiations the masses have set for them. The cycle runs thusly: adoration turns to obsession, obsession turns to disappointment, and from disappointment it is just a short emotional jump to contempt.

--Donna Philips Freelance Writer. Claremont, California.

As I drink my most delicious latte, I have to agree with the writer. More and more I see and hear about people losing their faith in God. They are desperate to fill that void left in them with anything they can, i.e. food, work celebrities, etc. I can understand that need. I lost my faith a long time ago. I couldn't tell you just when, pehaps when my family slowly began to unravel and things turned upside down. Or maybe I never actually believed. Sure I went to church and catechism and I even made my first communion in the catholic church. But I stopped going the second my mom said I didn't have to anymore.

I have never felt that deep spiritual belief that others seem to feel. I have never felt the presence of God like others do. But I suppose that may be because I don't know what to look for. Thinking of this, I am reminded of something my philosophy professor said once. This isn't verbatium, but he said something along the lines of it's better to believe that God exists than not to. He said that when you die and you didn't believe and it turns out that God does exist, then you are in big trouble. But if you die and it turns out that he doesn't exist then you're okay. And since we don't know if He truly does exist it is better to believe because when you die, then whether He exists or not is not a problem. If he exists then, cool, you're in heaven and if he doesn't exist then that still okay because you have nothing to fear for believing (unless something else happens to exist in the so called "heaven," but that is a whole different discussion).

I believe what my former professor said is true, mainly because he is much smarter and understanding than I probably ever will be. However, if I believe just for the sake of believing then isn't that a false belief? or a lie?

Hmmm....who would have thought that a simple cup of chai tea latte would lead to such thoughts in my head.  
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