Feb 01, 2006 01:03
so i accomplished absolutely nothing today besides some statistics homework and cleaning. which makes my life super! anyways, i really dont have much to say, but i cant sleep so here i am. i wish this semester was over with already. seriously. i would much rather it be summer. im only taking a couple classes and working.. having a "normal summer" as jason would say. no working 50 hrs a week.. and dealing with drama times 10. so it will be a little more relaxing. im not saying thati wont miss it, because believe me, i will. All those fabulous and not so fabulous people that made my last three summers what they were. ahh.. the memories. so my new years resolutions were a total bust. the first one, working out and losing weight, that was a lost cause to begin with, but i thought POSSIBLY that i could NOT skip a SINGLE class at ALL this semester, yeah i was WRONG about that one. Eh.. maybe next semester.. i get an A for effort though :) maybe theres still hope for the weight loss idea. its nice to dream :) hah i cant wait for this weekend, i might get to hang out with a friend from central. its been forever! so that should be tons o' fun for sure!! oh! next week or so is going to be very exciting! Im going to a concert in G.R. with jason and a friend from midland.. well at least i think im going, i have an exam on the thursday after at like super early in the morning... so im trying to figure it out.. i wanna go though for sure! and then that weekend friends from the summer are coming to visit! YAY! thats gonna be super exciting and fun for sure! i wish my tax money got here before that weekend, im sure it will be quite the expensive weekend! well.. seeing as how i have absolutely nothing to say.. i should go before anyone who's actually reading this falls asleep from lack of interest..
so... have a super night/day!!