i havent posted on this thing in a while.. im having a bad week.. maybe thats why ive decided to post.. my life sucks.. ive seriously never felt so absolutely horrible about myself or my life before... i dont mean to sound like such a downer.. so if you dont want to hear negative nelly.. stop reading NOW
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so weird that i just happened so sign on here for the first time in like three monthes, bc today i had 'just one of those days' where i thought i wasnt gonna be able to take it anymore...and wanted to quit..i cried every ten minutes, i had to stop and breath and tell myself to stop...
then i got online and i read this and the tears came back..dont take this the wrong way at all, but i was happy to read this, bc it lets me know that we arent the only ones who have to go through things like this, we arent the only ones who just wanna drop everything and give it all up...things happen, people change, we get stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, sad, lonely, whatever..but just in general, this is the point where we decide our life sucks and we jus dont think there is anything we can do about it...
i dont know what happened to me, but i used to be that person for years, always wanting to give in and let it go, but some how something changed it me, i dunno if it had to do with losing one of my close friends to an overdose or the fact that my life has dramatically changed, but i know that i'm changing and its def. for the better...
example. i just recieved a bill in the mail the yesterday for $12,000, bc i had to check my self in to the hospital bc i was having pains, so that little pain, which ended up being nothing, cost me more then i make in a whole year of working...i've had a very rough couple of days jus tryingto take it in and instead of freaking out and crying over it, i let out the cries a few times and then just stood in front of the mirror, wiped my eyes, and took ten deep (very deep) breaths...
theres nothing more that we can do other than take what life gives us and take it with a smile, wether it be a bad day, or a moment where we feel like just deleting ourselves from this earth...
we are better than those that can't take it, and can't control themselves...believe me.
I may not see you everyday like i did for that entire summer, but i still know you, and i know that there will be better days for you, and with ur personality, i would bet that things will start looking up for you within ten minutes...
But if not in ten minutes...ten days or ten monthes...u need to know...
I am ALWAYS here for you. And i will go through ur bad times with you, even if i have NO idea whats going on...
I just wanted you to know, if none of this makes any sense to you at all, or ur thinking to urself, what does any of this have to do with me...? Just know that i miss you, i love you and i will never forget how much of an impact YOU made on MY life...and if u can do that to me, you can pretty much do anything.
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