Jun 06, 2010 22:50
Tomorrow I go from being an MS-II to an MS-III. Feels like it took for-freakin'-ever, too. But! This means that, starting Tuesday (tomorrow is orientation/lecture) I will be rotating at a hospital. In the Ob/Gyn.
Yes, the first place I will go as a wet-behind-the-ears MS-III is the Ob/Gyn department. Where one of the first things I will likely do is stand across from some poor woman in the throws of labor pains and attempt to do one of these things - a) make her feel better somehow, b) measure how far along she is by using my fingers to estimate the dilation of her cervix, c) catch the screaming neonate, d) catch whatever's left behind, or e) hope that the actual Ob/Gyn doing all the work will at least let me stand close enough to watch what the hell is going on.
If all else fails, just be nice to everyone.
I'm going to attempt to keep a more regular blog. I don't know if I could do daily updates, but I'm hoping that there will be at least one interesting thing happening every other day that will make for good stories - or a good one-liner.
To all my friends, sorry I haven't responded nor talked much on LJ. Still wishing everyone the best of luck in all their endeavors, whether it's flying around the world or trying to make a decent living. Enjoy life for me!
All right, Student Doctor Kryssa out.
med rotations