R.I.P. Christopher Lee

Jun 11, 2015 23:35

So today at work my friend beside me suddenly turns to me and tells me that Christopher Lee died last night, at the age of 93. "You couldn't wait to the end of the shift to tell me that?" I asked. "I had to let it out," she replied.

Luckily I wasn't on a call, and it was time for my break, because this allowed me to go and spend the next ten minutes crying in the bathroom.

This last year has fucking sucked this way. Robin Williams, Terry Pratchett, now Christopher Lee... You guys were my childhood and kept me going through some of the roughest patches of my life and you need to stop dying. Even when you are ninety-three.

So then we decided to finally watch "Night at the Museum III" tonight, which of course was Robin Williams' last movie. So now of course I'm kind of a hot mess.

I knew Christopher Lee was getting very old and didn't have long to go. You can't see some of the behind-the-scenes stuff from "The Hobbit" without realizing that. But, still. He was an icon of an era which isn't around anymore, and I will deeply miss him. And also now my deep wish to see Tim Burton do a stop-motion, book-based "Phantom of the Opera" with Lee doing Erik's voice will never come to pass. Maybe Guillermo del Toro will do a live-action version with Doug Jones as Erik, but we'd still need a voice for him and I was still hoping to use Lee. He's not only got a great voice anyways, he can actually sing pretty well, did you know that? His mother was an opera singer and she taught him.

Here, have some Christopher Lee goodness. I'm taking some Tylenol and heading to bed; crying so much gives me a headache.

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Also he sang this, which is glorious:

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christopher lee, r.i.p.

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