Stabbity stabbity stabbity

May 31, 2013 23:57

Went to see the fireworks tonight with the kids over in Kentville, a town nominally 40 minutes away down the highway. Only just got home now, almost two hours after we left the fireworks event, since a pretty bad accident clogged up what seems to have been pretty much the only road out of the immediate area, but that's neither here nor there (although I did feel pretty cool and like I was fulfilling my Rangers' obligation to scout and report when I called in the location to the local radio station). But I digress. Here, take a look at this:

It's a pretty standard tourist info sign (one right near where we got off, actually). It's that little one down in the bottom right-hand corner that got me, though. See it? That brown and white one? The one that looks like a fist stabbing somebody in the head while a guy in a suit looks on, presumably in horror?

Yeah, ends up that fist is a strawberry, the head is an apple, the knife is a leaf on an apple, and the guy in a suit is an ear of corn. I think it means there's a produce market ahead or something.

I don't know if my misinterpretation while driving a hundred klicks down the highway at night is due to poor design, or me being a complete whack job, but I suspect the latter. XD

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