Oh Look NOW It's The 21st.

Feb 21, 2012 09:14

So... yeah. Apparently I lack the ability to count from 14 to 21 AND the ability to look at a calendar. Or my computer. *facepalm*

Oh, well. The both odd and cool thing is that after a really crappy day yesterday, I feel much better today. Last night I didn't lie down, take Alvena's hand (she's been wanting to hold my hand recently as she falls asleep, which probably wasn't helping me not miss Mum), and then quietly cry to myself for the first time all week.

But now I'm thinking about it so of course I'm tearing up so I'm gonna stop now and go read more webcomics. But I AM better today.

Still  miss Mum, but at least I'm not a complete wreak.

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