SOPA/PIPA Bullshit

Jan 18, 2012 15:12

Seriously, guys. What do we have to do with you to get you Americans (well, your bloody government, anyways) to stop screwing everything up for the rest of us?!  You're polluting the planet, consuming resources at an unsustainable rate, sending bloody missionaries out to places like Uganda to persuade them to make being gay punishable by death, you try and take our resources without even bloody paying for them (Softwood Lumber War, Salmon War, bloody California owing BC Hydro billions for the power we provided them, don't even get me started on our water supply), and now you want to let CORPORATIONS decide whether or not something is being used legally or not??

I think my very "favourite" part is the part where posting a video of you singing a song will be considered a copyright violation. Fuck you, USA. Stop being so goddamned grabby about everything.

Fucking capitalist pigs. How's that free market system working for ya, huh? Hasn't the recent economic blow-up convinced you guys that oh, maaaaaybe setting the foxes to guard the bloody henhouse isn't, perhaps, the most brilliant of ideas?

Fuck SPOA, and fuck PIPA. And fuck the RIAA right in its bloated ass.

Disclaimer: I know no one reading this is a politician with any kind of power, and that it isn't your fault your government and society is such a mess. But please, take two two minutes to contact your local representative/senator/whatever, because they won't listen to me. I'm just an outraged Canadian. It's not like I can vote down there, so who the hell cares what I think.

But if enough of you get hold of them, take the five minutes to call them (and do call them; emails don't carry nearly the same weight-- seriously, how long would it take to look your senator up in your phone book and give his office a call to say "I just want to say that I am a registered voter (you are, right?) in this constituency, and I strenuously object to SOPA and PIPA and demand that, as my representative, you vote against them on Tuesday." What is that, two minutes?), then perhaps they'll see a high enough percentage of their constituents objecting to realize that if they don't vote against it, they may not be re-elected. But for heaven's sake, call and call now. Don't wait for "everyone else" to do it, because I guarantee it'll end up with a bunch of people blogging about it (who cares? Do bloggers even vote?) and no one taking the time to call anyone in a position to actually do anything about it, and insisting that they do actually do do something about it.

These guys are there to do what you tell them to, not the bloody corporations (how many of them are even owned by Americans? I highly doubt Sony is), so grab the reins and tell them what to do. Think of the heady sense of power.

This is bullshit, and it's up to you, my friends, to stop it.

All I can do from up here is to tell you to call today, because the vote is happening on Tuesday.

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bloody stupidity, raeg, idiots

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