Project Update: Epic Fail Averted!

Aug 29, 2011 15:35

Blurg. Feel better, but not great. A nice cuppa cuppa's on its way, though, which ought to perk me back up a bit.

Got home from town just a little while ago. Lost like an hour trying to find more brass wire. Usually I just get it at the dollar store, but they're out. Oh, they've got it in red, and green, and blue, and purple, and even freaking pink, but not brass. And it's gonna be a while before they do, the cashier says.


So, sure, I can probably get it at the fabric store, but you KNOW they're gonna want like $10 for it (they traditionally charge about 75% over what any given item would cost me elsewhere, assuming they even have it. Remember those little half-sphere pearl buttons I used on the pink-and-white dress? Not sure if I mentioned them. Well, I needed about 50 of the little bastards, and they wanted FIFTY CENTS EACH. Fuck that noise. Winterlion kindly picked me up a bunch in Vancouver for like five cents each, which is what they're actually worth. Thanks again, man). So anyways, Home Hardware allegedly had a small craft section and might carry it. They don't and they don't. Picture hanging wire, yeah, but it's too stiff for this. How about the wool shop? Sure, why not. They had something similar in silver but not in brass. Ace Hardware has something similar but a bit thick but for like $14 a roll. The sports store had something almost but not quite right for about $4 but it wasn't for very much so I decided to see what the fabric store was charging for it.

The fabric store didn't have it. >< Fuck them. They never have anything sewing-related I need in there! If you want to sew anything other than a bloody quilt in this town you are screwed.

Right. Fine. let's see if the pharmacy has anything like a craft section before I drive back over to the sports store. >< *Grumblemutterbitchgrumblemutter*

So I stomp over to the fishing section and it's like a chorus of angels going "Aaaaahhhh!!" They have a wall. They have a fucking wall. Brass wire, copper wire, green (mossy not Christmas) and every colour you could wish for. They even have different sizes of wire. They even come in different cross-sections.

So that's my epic tale of how the project didn't come to a grinding halt due to an extreme shortage of bloody brass wire in 100 Mile. Fffff.

Next time the dollar store gets some in, I'm cleaning them out.

costuming, steampunk, steam punk, projects, costumes

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