www.nerve.com/news/current-events/girl-scouts-breed-pro-abortion-lesbians-says-republican Okay, I've sort of had this floating around in my head for a while now, trying to figure out how to say it, but then I saw this article today and dammit, I'm just gonna come right out and say it.
You alone of the Allies never signed the Geneva Convention. You torture your prisoners.
You allow your people to die rather than provide competent medical attention. Sure, there's free clinics, but from what I understand the standard of care isn't nearly as good as those who are rich enough to cover the frankly usurous fees will receive. And not everyone qualifies. Tons of "middle-class" people are left to fend for tehmselves.
Fire departments will stand and watch a home burn down rather than put it out if the home owner hasn't paid a "fee."
A significant percentage of your population lives in poverty; still more struggle to make ends meet. In some areas, people literally don't even have access to proper food. No, I don't mean people living off in the hills somewhere; I mean people living in the cities with no transportation and no grocery stores in the area. Like, the only choice they have for food is literally Taco Bell or McDonald's.
A significant percentage of your population (including those in charge) live in ignorance, believing and teaching that science is a lie (because it's all just a bunch of "theories" anyways), that the earth is only 6,000 years old, that being gay is a choice and should be criminalized. And that it's equivalent to paedophilia and bestiality, despite occurring between consenting human adults.
Despite being called a "democracy," in fact recently a president served two consecutive terms despite not having a majority vote either time. Meanwhile, the "democratic process" is used for everything from denying poor neighbourhood schools the same equipment those in richer neighbourhoods receive to denying or stripping away from entire subsections of society such basic rights as the right for two unattached adults to marry.
"Experts" (i.e. individuals who have received a thorough education in and made an extensive study of a particular field) are, straight-faced, denigrated as "knowing nothing about anything," while complete morons making asses out of themselves by performing stupid and dangerous stunts on TV are elevated and paid considerable amounts of money to keep being retarded.
And despite a touted "separation of Church and State," no one who isn't publically a devout Christian has much hope of getting a political office above the municipal level. Okay, Obama; but he's said repeatedly that he is a Christan despite having attended a Muslim school (hell, I went to Catholic school for a year and I can GUARANTEE I ain't Catholic. Hell, I'm not even a Christian) and he is catching a HELL of a lot of flack for that. Must be a terrorist, you know. Because Muslim = Terrorist. Also non-Christian = Satanist. Literally.
How can a country where, in order to succeed, you must pretty much by default be a white, male Christian, in a country where basic access to healthcare is controlled through basic access to money rather than need, where you only have the choice of two political parties, and one of them wants to return women to slavery; outlaw homosexuality and access to safe, legal abortions; and remove that separation of church and state-- Tell me, America, how on EARTH can such a country consider itself remotely a "First World" country?!
First World countries:
Look after their citizens. If someone is hurt or sick they get treated. The end.
Don't punish people for having relationships between two unattached, consenting adults, based solely on the arrangements of their genitalia.
Don't believe that intelligence, creativity, or competence is to be found only in a penis.
Don't think it is okay to allow someone to lose their home because they didn't pay a "fee" to their local fire department (you KNOW if it was in Mexico we'd call it "graft" and condemn it).
Don't think it is okay to hold prisoners for years on end without charges or a trial.
Don't think it is okay to torture prisoners. No, redefining "torture" to exclude non-lethal means doesn't count.
Don't think it is better to force a woman to choose between having a baby that she doesn't, for whatever reason, want and risking her life, future ability to reproduce, and legal repercussions by seeking a "back-alley abortion" than it is to permit her to safely and legally terminate an albeit growing collection of cells that does not yet have a brain.
Don't think science is, well, unscientific, or try to claim in any way that a proven scientific theory is invalid solely because a book written two thousand years ago by desert nomads didn't mention it.
First World countries look after their own. They care about their citizens. They try to make decisions based on compassion and reason.
America, how dare you call yourself a First World country?
Yeah, go ahead, tell me "Yeah, but you didn't mention that..." I dare you to tell me such a list of violations of a citizenry's basic human rights by England. Or France. Or Norway. Or Canada. Or Denmark. Or or or.
I'm sorry; I truly don't want to hurt my American friends. But dammit, America-as-a-country, get your act together. Sign the Geneva Convention. Give GLBTA folks the same rights as straight folks. Stop using religion to run your country or inform your scientific beliefs. Stop marginalizing women and minorities. FEED YOUR PEOPLE SOME FRESH FRUIT, DAMMIT. Stop using up the world's resources so damned fast. Do you know what the three countries with the highest populations are? China, India-- and the United States of America. Only thing is, the average American goes through ten times the recources as an Indian in a year.
America honestly isn't to blame for all the world's ills. Neither is Christianity. But damn, neither is helping. They both seem like a good idea in theory, but in practise...
America, get your act together.