Still Alive

Mar 04, 2011 20:49

Sorry I've been so quiet lately. Nothing really bad or dramatic; just somehow not really reading my friend's page and what. Mainly I've just been chatting on Skype to a few key people and I think that's why I simply don't have much of an urge to share here: I share my rants and news there and then just have nothing to say here without repeating myself.

News: We're all still alive. It's still winter here (bugger it) but spring is aaaaalmost in the air. We sold our Internet business because there was bugger else we could do after our main tower was cut down. Cops are still investigating.

Kids are fine. Karl loves school. Alvena has a few more words.

We all have nasty colds.

We bought a head-cam. Mike's beard is now officially long enough that when it blows out in front of him the camera mounted to the side of his head can see it. That made me laugh like anything.

Our very good friend Adrian Nelson (aka Verner of House Ravenspeak, aka Ragnar of Reik Felag) died a couple of weeks ago. This hit us very hard. His memorial is on March 18th at the Burnaby Scandinavian Centre at 2pm. Potluck dinner to follow. RSVP to his wife requested; see the invitation under the link if you don't have it. We'll be going down to Vancouver for that for sure. Also, Heidi's asked us to spread the word, so if you see this and you knew him, consider yourself invited. RSVP please.

Otherwise? I dunno. Still into Steampunk, still working on my costume, still haven't gotten very far. Have some pics of Karl in his which I will post at some point.

Meanwhile, as I said, I have a nasty cold (as does everyone else here) and the Dristan isn't helping much so I'm gonna head 'er back to bed. Just wanted to say "still alive" cuz it's been a while.

kids, death, camera, update

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