Okay, these shirts? Are hilarious. XD
controversy.wearscience.com/ You probably are all aware of the Creationist/ID argument that just because a theory hasn't been scientifically proven (let alone if it has actually been disproved), that's no reason to not teach it in schools as a valid possibility. Apparently Enough People Believe It = Good Science!!
So, yeah. "Teach The Controversy!" is their rallying cry. See, apparently their theory (amongst several others, like the craters on the moon being caused by splashes from Noah's flood *eyeroll*) that dinosaur fossils were put there by Satan to confuse people is controversial because it's true, but scientists won't admit it; instead of it being a crackpot theory followed by idiots who refuse to use the brains their god gave them.
So, this!
But also this:
and this:
and this:
and a whole bunch more equally hilarious ones.
Go forth, my minions! Teach the controversy!! XD XD XD