First off, no spoilers here. :D Second of all, if you loved the original trilogy, holy shit, you need to see this movie. Like, right now.
Third, holy shit, I have not seen a good Star Wars movie in thirty-two years. We just saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens today. I was in tears when it began and very much so at the end, just because it was so damned good to finally see another Star Wars movie. You go, J.J. Abrams. You fucking rock.
Unlike the prequels, it looked like a Star Wars movie. The tech wasn't all shiny and new. It was old. Used. Real. The non-humans (and some of them were familiar! Yay!) didn't look like cheap CGI (although I don't doubt that CGI was used; but most of it felt like the old practical appliances and effects again). There was so much that was familiar, even with the stuff we hadn't seen before (at least, not in the movies; I don't know how much of it was in the side canon, like the animated stuff; I haven't seen much of it).
Compared to the prequels, the shots were empty. Clean. Not cluttered up with all sorts of random background CGI crap quick look there's an empty pixel let's cram some more totally irrelevant crap in there!!!
The editing felt very familiar. The original trilogy made use of side wipe cuts between scenes and things like that; there were some of those in there, and they were like old familiar friends.
It sounded like Star Wars. One thing I noticed with the prequels, last time I watched them, was the music. You know in the original trilogy, how much John Williams' score added to the action? To the drama? To the pathos? Did you notice how it was practically non-existent in the prequels? Watch the life-and-death battle between Darth Maul and Qui-gon Jin again (whichever one it was in, I don't remember). Listen to the music. Oh, there's music there, but it sure as hell isn't adding to the scene; if you had your back to the screen (or were just listening to the soundtrack) you wouldn't realize it was an action scene; you'd think it was trade negotiations or something.
(--Fucking trade negotiations. Who the hell opens a scifi fantasy with trade negotiations? Fuck you, George Lucas. You turned into like your evil clone or something. Drama and action, that's the way to open this kind of a movie. Not bloody trade negotiations and tea (which wasn't even poisoned. Could have been a much shorter movie if they'd just had the common sense to poison the fucking tea).)
This movie brings back the John Williams soundtrack. The proper John Williams soundtrack. Action scene? Ooh, look, appropriate music! Pathos? Wait, is that a bit of "Luke and Leia" from Jedi I hear?
Fucking awesome.
This is the first actual Star Wars movie I've seen in thirty-two years. And this is the first time I've looked forward to the next Star Wars movie in sixteen years.
J.J. Abrams, thank you.
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