You can watch me disappear.. la la la la la

Aug 04, 2005 14:24

Im really bummed right now. Soo im schedule sucks.. and i cants get into the classes i want.. ajdfalk

Soooooo my car isnt running. Jesus Christ that really pisses me off. Oh, and the one that 'runs' but just doenst start.. yeah Big brother Korey called Daddy and told him it was just fine and the air worked too. So now i can sit in my fucking hot car without air and wait for it to start. Oh Hell yes do i love life. FUckers

Yeah so speaking of fuckers, my brohter got Lasik eye suregry today because he decided Friday he wanted it. What the fuck. Im glad you can see now i really am but you are sooooo spolied. you get whatever the hell you want on a drop of a dime.. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah that was really shitty of me.. I apoligize but im not deleting it because its true.

So anyways im walking through HELL and i hear all these god damn noises that made me want to kill myself.. YOu know the noise kids.. it sounded like the Bronzers on crack.. Yeah I got so pissy i just watned to kick them.. an dmom tried to encourage me.. yeah that is annoying. AHHHHHHH Im going to die.. i dont think ican make it another year.. esp with out sam :(

So even though this is super negative Last night kicked ass. Meet some sweet people.. went swimming.. made some wrong turns.. looked like an idiot.. it was a great night! :)

Heres my shitty schedule.. someone cool leave me a message and tell me you are in my classes so i dont kill myself K? :)

1st fucking hour Soc
2nd Fucking hour Parenting
3rd fucking hour pe
4th fucking hour Honsrenglish
5th fucking hour Interior design
6th fucking hour HonPreCalc
7th fucking hour Food science

A lunch.

oh piss
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