Mar 19, 2009 08:53
Suffice to say, yesterday was a rough day.There was very little sleep the previous evening and fussiness (baby) and full blown tantrums/attitude (preschooler) to deal with, along w/other misc little snags along the way.Hmmmpf.
So yeah, at the end of the day I was not a happy camper, and decided I did NOT want to cook (the kitchen being a disaster didn't help), but I didn't want crap delivery food either (not that fried zuchini and pan pizza does not have it's place!;p) so I planned to do some takeout at our local fave irish joint, that happens to be w/in walking distance.
Now normally I would call in our order and go pick it up, but hubby *insisted* that I order when I get there, and sit at the bar and have a drink while I wait (which, btw, was a huge inconveniance to him, as he had mounds of homework he needed to concentrate on).
So that is exactly what I did.Actually, I had TWO drinks, shots no less (though you can tell that your partying days are very much over when you are sipping a jagermeister, and a buttery nipple....what can I say, I was craving some schnapps but refuse to buy a whole bottle of the stuff, from a ROCKS glass!!!!!!Doh.).
It's funny though, because I actually missed being able to go out to the bars on my own, but this time I was bored outta my mind and found myself envying (by that I mean, missing my own ) the family sitting across from me in the eating area.Funny how priorities can shift.Go figure. the time I got the food I felt better, and by the time I ATE the food (an awesome irish lamb stew w/root vegetables followed by a turtle cheesecake) at home I felt much, much better.So yeah, good call there.
So I thought I would document this for when my hubby is being a putz, and then I can look at this and remember why I love him so much.;P