In this post, there is yet more combining of Metalocalypse and Invader Zim

Jan 16, 2010 13:08

And here we have part THREE of this crazy roleplay of awesome!

Haven't read any of it yet?  Go back to part one, you fool!
Missed part two?  READ IT NOW!


Narrator: Last time on This Roleplay, Hope screamed a lot and Mystery climbed up a pile of giggling man-babies! And Murderface got elbowed in the junk!
(Krys: This roleplay needs a name if we're gonna keep it going for a long time. XD)
(Emi: I guess so.)
(Krys: I'd refer to it by H&M, but then people might think it's about clothing adventures. *rim-shot*)
(Emi: Oh lawd)
(Krys: ...That was really bad, wasn't it?)
(Emi: Not too bad.)
(Krys: Still pretty bad, though, right? XD)
(Emi: Only kind of bad.)
(Krys: Okay. ...I'm sorry.)
(Emi: It's quite alright.)
Hope: *curling up in the corner, traumatized for life over the wasting of so much foodstuffs* D8 Why the foods...I miss them~! *pathetic sob*
Mystery: *points to the food trays from her perch* There's still food.
*Hope points around to various bits of smushed foodstuff on the ground, as well as that which is smeared on the boys, with a very disgruntled frown*
Murderface: Uh, yeah, it'sh a food fight. Didn't your parentsh teazch you anything?
Hope: Yeah, and Keeska said that wasting snacks is BAD! >[
Mystery: Is it? *considers this*
Murderface: DON'T LISZTEN TO HER! We're uszing the snacksh.
Hope: But you can't eat a snack if it's been on the ground and squished! That's just gross!
Murderface: :| .... *grabs a floor-donut and looks at it thoughtfully*
Hope: They get all germy, and Keeska told me that germs will make your organs all horrible! *sees Murderface's expression* Oh, eww, you better not-!
Toki: *snigger*
Pickles: Oh, Murderface, don't...
Murderface: *surpresses an evil grin while he pokes at the donut with his tongue experimentally*
Hope: EWWWWWWWW! You're icky! DX
Murderface: Hmm~ *takes a bite and chews loudly*
Murderface: Well whadya know, it tashtes exactly the same.
Hope: *screams, very high-pitched, and it seems as though it might last for a VERY long time*
*And somewhere, Dib shudders in horror, but doesn't know why.*
Pickles: Ooah... GAHD that's loud! Nyeerrrg...
Hope: *takes a quick, deep breath, and starts up again; something vaguely akin to the word 'keeska' can be heard if one listens to her screaming carefully enough*
*Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending - the one she's screaming for fails to hear.*
Pickles: *suddenly pales and gurgles slightly*
Hope: *keeps on screaming, I guess*
Pickles: Uhngguys, guys, I'm gonna...
Murderface: ooOOH Picklesz, you better not!!! *squirms violently in an attempt to get away from the danger zone*
Mystery: Eww, don't throw up on us! *slips away to hide behind the couch*
Hope: *coughs halfway through her next scream before gesturing violently towards Pickles, yelling quite loudly* SEE! SEE, the germs have gotten to his GUTS! He's gonna die because YOU WASTE SNACKS! DX
Murderface: But I ate the floor-donut, not Pickles! PICKLES DON'T YOU PUKE ON ME
Hope: But you're squished up against him, so it made him all sick, too! *probably doesn't even know how germs work anyway* I hope you're happy! >[ *quickly follows Mystery's example, peering over the edge of the couch* I hope he doesn't explode, that'd be real gross. ... *cough* My throat's sore. >>
Mystery: My throat hurts when I scream, too. But only for a long time. *watches to see if Pickles is indeed going to be sick*
Pickles: *does indeed throw up, but not too spectacularly, and has somehow managed to miss Toki and Murderface*
Hope: Oh, man, that's icky. :[
Toki: Mozoltovs!
Murderface: Oh, beautiful. Good job, Picklesz. B|
Hope: I didn't know Toki spoke Vortian...I don't see what light-speed delivery has to do with anything, though. o.o *frowns at Pickles* You better've learned your lesson. Wasting food is bad and makes germs hate your organs. You better not die, though, or I'll be mad at you. >[
Pickles: Ineeda go like doown. *rolls over and lays there, face first in the carpet*
Hope: ...That doesn't look very comfy. *to Mystery* So, is he going to die? He doesn't look too good.
Mystery: He does that sometimes. I don't think he's gonna die. *pokes at Pickles from behind the couch, earning a small "muh"* Nah, he's alive.
Hope: Oh. Cuz sometimes when people look all not good and go to sleep, they die. I seen it happen when the Resisty crew goes out on mission things and stuff, mmhmm.
Mystery: I don't really know what you're talking about.
Hope: Whuh-? Why not? o.o
(NOTE: The missions Hope referred to mainly include fighting against Irken soldiers and the like, which generally ends in death for some unlucky Resisty crew members. However, as she is generally not supposed to go into the med bay, and is too short to see exactly why any of those severely injured Resisty crew members might be on an operating table, only seeing that they're not really in the best of shape, she assumes that they just feel sick.)
Murderface: *also feels ill by proximity, but is determined to not throw up, and is thus making a very interesting face*
Hope: *squints up at Murderface, trying to figure out why he's making that face*
Murderface: *draws back somewhat from Hope, not wanting to hear any more screaming when he hypothetically ends up ralphing on her*
Hope: *frowns at him* You're weird. >[
Murderface: >BI ...You're a brat.
Hope: Nuh-uh! Daddy says I'm an angel!
*This is actually true, in that Dib says she's an angel, but never actually means it, because it ISN'T true.*
Murderface: Oh, I bet he doesh. *has possibly broken some kind of sarcasm record*
Hope: Yeah! And Keeska says that I'm really good, so he lets me do what I want! So YOU'RE a brat for calling ME a brat! *sticks her tongue out at him*
(Krys: Ugh. Is it sad that I already kind of want to smack her?)
(Emi: She's pretty bad.)
Murderface: Saysz the schreaming banshee child...
Hope: Yeah, well, you're ugly! And you look like a fat sack of pudding! The gross kind of pudding that no one buys because it's GROSS! >[
Murderface: ... D8<
Hope: *to Mystery* Don't you think he looks kinda like a sack of pudding? I mean, he's all lumpy-squishy like one! :0
Mystery: *shrugs* ' _ '
Murderface: Well, you look like a fffat little sausage, with chubby little weenie armsz! Or a squealin' little brown piglet. Who'sche fat.
Toki: Uh, Murderface.
Murderface: *ignores Toki* Go ahead and schay whatever you want, I don't schee you getting any richer! *folds arms*
Hope: I'm not fat, YOU'RE fat, and you're all old, and you have triangle hair, too! And I know that my Daddy is rich here on Earth because Professor Membrane is his dad, so THERE! >[
*She finishes her yelling by directing an angry-sounding word that sounds like gibberish Murderface's way, which Dib would probably be very annoyed by had he been around to hear her say it, as it is quite unladylike and also by no means a kid word. Zim, on the other hand, probably wouldn't care all that much if he'd heard her say it, even though he yells at people for swearing in front of her.*
Murderface: >8[ ...Hey, why don't you go back to pretend-shpace and pal around with all your weirdo alien friends... Goofball. *is having a hard time not cursing at Hope*
Hope: I don't PRETEND to be in space, stupid! I came here on a spaceship, a real one! GOOFBALL! *is just repeating it because it sounded like an insult of some kind*
Murderface: Oh! Real original. Where'dcha hear that word? *rolls his eyes* Maybe you schould-
Pickles: *muffled somewhat by carpet* WILL YOU JEST GET OUTTA HERE!
Hope: *scowling up at Murderface* Yeah, go away! >[
Pickles: Everyone jest...go away... Jestgoaway...
Hope: *gesturing over at Pickles while complaining at Murderface* First you make him sick, and then you make him sad! You're terrible!
(Krys: And then Hope and Murderface insulted each other for an hour. XD)
(Emi: Yes.)
Murderface: That waschn't me! That'sh your fault, that wasch all you. If I wasch your father, I'd be scho aschamed.
Hope: Eww, if you were my daddy, I'd cry, because I'd be ugly! >[
*Hope is obviously just trying to out-mean him now, because she does not like to lose arguments.*
Mystery: *imagines Hope looking more like Murderface and smiles, amused*
Hope: And it's YOUR FAULT that Pickles is sad, because you're the worst person EVER! You eat FLOOR DONUTS! >[
Hope: They'll make your GUTS explode! But maybe then you'll look less like Slorbee puddings, so GO AHEAD! Eat more of 'em! I don't even care!
Murderface: Hey, maybe you're right, I AM the worsht! And if you don't shtop right now, I will viszit you in your nightmaresh.
Hope: You can't even go in my nightmares, they're not a place! Dummy!
Murderface: Oh you'll schee, YOU'LL SCHEE.
Hope: You're not scary enough to be in a nightmare, anyway, you're just UGLY. >\
Murderface: Then you haven't had nightmareszh! Somethin's wrong with you, you're not doin' it right.
Hope: *seems thrown off by this* ...Wha? ...I'm doing nightmares wrong? *looks confused* I don't even make my nightmares, how can I do them wrong?! D:
Toki: Nightmares can have uglys things in thems, too, and not just the scarys stuffs, maybe! So he can'ts be too ugly for to have nightsmares abouts.
Murderface: ...Thanksh, Toki. Thatsch helpful.
Hope: *frowns, and doesn't see the point; she finally just shrugs* Well, I guess he's not as ugly as the Boodie-Nenians. But I don't see them in nightmares, either.
(Krys: Is Mystery just watching this whole ordeal, finding it entertaining or something? xD)
(Emi: Basically. She's not sure what to think, but finds arguments in general somewhat entertaining.)
(Krys: Ah. xD)
Toki: I didn'ts used to dreams a lot.
Murderface: That'sch nice, no one cares.
Toki: ... >:[ ...
Hope: I do, because Toki is way cooler than YOU. *points up at Murderface huffily, then turns to Toki* You should punch him, cuz he's a jerk and he deserves it. >\
*Toki is conflicted because punching sounds like fun right now, but he doesn't want a little kid telling him what to do.*
*A distant gong sounds.*
Hope: ???
Murderface: DINNERTIME. Sheeya. *plods away moodily*
Hope: Oh, boy, more food!
Hope: ...Hmm... *spies another floor donut* ............It's already wasted, so... *she picks it up and chucks it Murderface's way* THERE! I fought with food! HAPPY NOW?! +_+
*Mystery applauds briefly.*
Hope: *blinks* Oh, thank you. *smiles and bows a little* Yes, I am amazing.
*Toki stares at Pickles, still on the floor.*
Mystery: Hey, we gotta go eat food now! *pokes at him*
Pickles: Foood? I don wannanymore food...
Hope: Well, I guess there's not gonna be any punching. *tugs on Toki's shirt* Hey! After we have dinner, do you want to kick that half-naked guy? We never did that!
Toki: Yeah, maybe we kicks Skwisgaar. :] *seems excited and starts to leave without Pickles et al*
Mystery: You just threw up. So you should eat more. *pulls his arm* Get uuuuuup!
Pickles: Quit movin' me around, I'm gonna puke again! D<
Hope: o.o! *looks from Toki to Pickles, then back* Wait, Toki! Mister Pickles needs your strength! He can't get up! D:
Mystery: *strains loudly trying to drag Pickles away* ...I can't do it. TOKI COME BACK, I FAIL.
Toki: Pickle looks like he wants tos...sleeps some more.
Mystery: No he doesn't, he's starving to death! Help him!
Toki: Okay, but he better not throws up on me or else.
Hope: *gasp!* He IS dying?! Oh wow! We gotta get him some medical help! D8
Mystery: *to Hope* He's not really dying, I lied.
Hope: Oh. Okay. *shrugs*
Mystery: *to Toki* You get his legs, I got this part! *she tries to lift Pickles by his armpits, and is only able to lift him an inch or so when Toki pitches in*
Pickles: What're you doing?! This is naht how you cearry a guy! DX *looks miserable*
Toki: He's right, this looks stupids. :[
Mystery: NO, WE CAN DO IT.
Hope: *looks around awkwardly* I s'posed to help?
Mystery: HHRRRRNNNG. If you want.
Hope: *looks tempted to just pick and hold Pickles' hair off the ground, but decides that maybe holding onto his arm would be more useful; provided, of course, that Mystery has a hold of the other arm or something*
*Mystery focuses on the one arm*
Toki: Ok, this looks like it can works.
Pickles: >BT
Hope: Yeah, we're an unstoppable team! Together we can carry Pickles and rule the universe! *strikes a victorious pose, though she drops Pickles' arm in the process*
Pickles: ... >__o *is sickened by the jostling and having his lower half higher than his top, and tries to hold back on a second round of vomit*
Hope: Oh, wait. Oops. *lugs his arm back up* I didn't mean to do that. Sorry. *doesn't really sound all that sorry*
Pickles: *swallows and coughs violently* OOOH GAHD THEAT WAS HARRIBLE...
Toki: Pickle, you don'ts eats your own trow-up!
Pickles: Toki don't say theat...
Hope: Eww. :[
A passing Klokateer: Is everything alright here, my lords?
Toki: Everything is fines here!
Hope: Well, Pickles is eating his's pretty gross. :\ ...Hey, can't he help carry Pickles? *points at the Klokateer* o.o
Klokateer: Lord Pickles, can you stand?
Pickles: I dunno, am I allowed?!
Klokateer: ...Yes.
Pickles: Toki, may I please steand and walk on my own?
Toki: Ams you has the strengths?
Pickles: Yes.
Hope: Oh, I guess you don't need help, then. *immediately lets him go*
*Toki puts Pickles' legs down and then just kind of stares at him as he squirms.*
Hope: *stares down at him also* Heh, he's funny.
*The Klokateer helps Pickles to stand, since he seemed to need it, and yet more stomach fluids are brought forward, sprinkling the Klokateer's boots slightly.*
Hope: *makes a long noise of distaste* x[
Pickles: Okey, byebye. *waves at the Klokateer, and turns to shamble towards the dining room*
Hope: ...So what's for dinner, anyway?
*She sure did get over Pickles vomiting pretty quickly. Hmm.*
Mystery: I dunno.
Hope: That's weird. Daddy always tells me what we're having...he's not a very good cook, though. I like it better when we go out to eat, cuz then I can pick what I want! ^^
Toki: Oh, I think tonights was breakfasts-for-dinners night.
Mystery: *little gasp* Pancakes...
Hope: Oooh, I've had those before! They're like waffles, only weird and flat! *looks proud of herself for knowing this...uh...fact...?*
Mystery: Yeah, kinda.
Hope: ...There won't be any more food-fighting, right...? >_> I didn't like that.
Mystery: I dunno. Sometimes they do.
Hope: Bleeeeeeeh. x[
(Krys: And then they got to the dining room perhaps...?)
(Emi: Yes?)
(Krys: Unless Emi had better ideas? xD ...THEY CAN GO TO THE MOON)
(Emi: OH YEAH)
(Krys: Or not. Never mind.)
*Nathan stares at Hope as if seeing someone who looks vaguely familiar.*
Hope: Oh, hi. *waves* We found Pickles! :3
Nathan: *finally remembers* Uuhh... What is she doing here?
Pickles: Been askin' myself theat for the past two hours... *tiredly makes his way to his spot*
*Skwisgaar is also present, wearing a shirt this time, with his guitar leaned against his chair.*
Hope: We're going to eat dinner. o.o *the possibility that she might not be allowed to be doing all this stuff has not once crossed her mind in all this time*
Nathan: You're gonna...what? No.
Hope: ...No? *she does not like this word, not at all*
Nathan: Toki, don't you start that Christmas crap.
Toki: *closes his mouth, looking disappointed*
Nathan: *grumbles* S'not fucking Christmas...
Hope: *to Mystery* Did he say no? We can't eat dinner?
Mystery: I dunno if you're allowed, actually... *thinks about this*
Hope: *face scrunches up in pouty annoyance* What? That's stupid! I've hardly had any food today, I'm hungry!
Toki: We lets Skwisgaar brings the goils to the table!
Nathan: Uh, remember, we stopped letting him do that, for reasons I will not...say.
Skwisgaar: Tch.
Hope: *whines*
*Toki suddenly lights up, and walks over to Skwisgaar's chair.*
Skwisgaar: Uh, Toki, is there somethings, uh...
Toki: 8I . . .
Skwisgaar: Oookay Toki, you cans stops that n-
Skwisgaar: OOOWWWW!
*Toki looks quite satisfied, while Nathan just looks confused*
Hope: Oh, hey, yeah! *runs over* Can I go next? I wanna kick him next! 8D *bounces up and down beside Toki*
Toki: Oh, bes my guest!
Hope: COOOOOL! *kicks Skwisgaar in the shin* x]
Skwisgaar: OOHH. Toki what ams goins on here?!
(Krys: They finally did it.)
(Emi: Yes they did.)
(Krys: Took them long enough.)
Mystery: They're kicking you 'cause you were a jerk. Or something.
Skwisgaar: What did I dos?!
Hope: You were supposed to play with us! >[
Nathan: Is that true, Skwisgaar?
Skwisgaar: You're kiddings me.
Nathan: ...No. *tries not to smirk*
*Elsewhere, Charles' drama senses are tingling, and he decides to come investigate.*
(Krys: Drama senses. I like, I like. XD It makes sense for him, really.)
(Emi: Thank you.)
Hope: *thinks for a moment* Actually, I don't really care that you didn't. Toki is way cooler than you, anyway. *crosses her arms and looks away from Skwisgaar snottily*
Skwisgaar: Toki, has yous been brainswashing little childrens?
Toki: No! Evens a little kids is smart enough to know that I'm cool!
Hope: Yeah, and I'm really smart, so I'm always right! And that means Toki is better!
Skwisgaar: Mystries, you ams a smarts kid. I'm cool, ja?
Mystery: Yeah, I guess so?
Skwisgaar: You see, Toki? The kids cannots resist my naturals charms.
Hope: You only asked her if you were cool, not cooler than Toki! >[
Skwisgaar: I thought it woulds be obvious. *shrugs*
Nathan: You guys are tied now, anyway. It doesn't even matter.
Hope: Hey, yeah. He's right. o.o
Toki: I bets I could find more kids to like me than Skwisgaar! *is bolstered by the knowledge that he will soon have many space-fans that Skwisgaar will have no idea about*
Hope: I think Keeska likes you, too, cuz I got to stay with you instead of having to go back to the daycare! So that's two for Toki! 8D
Nathan: That's not a kid, though. ...Why am I even talking about this with you?! You're not supposed to be here!
Hope: Huh, why not? You're the only one getting all grumpy about it! >[ *she purposely forgets Murderface, and any complaints Pickles might have made*
*As if on cue, Murderface finally shows up, attracted by the food.*
Hope: ...Hmm. 8|
*Murderface spots Hope and is immediately uncomfortable. He seats himself while casting an apprehensive look in her direction.*
Hope: *just frowns up at him for now, as he doesn't seem to be voicing anything against her; she soon figures that she has come out on top and thus ignores him* So, yeah. Anyway. *to Nathan* I don't get why you're all grumpy, mister.
*Charles arrives.*
Murderface: *leans toward Nathan and grumbles* What the hell ish she doin' here?
*Nathan's frown increases.*
Charles: Hows everything goin' in here?
Hope: *sees Charles* Oh, hi! Thanks for letting me listen to the music, it was really cool! :]
Charles: Good, I'm glad to hear that, but uh...what are you doing in here? Instead of being with your parents, or in the daycare? *looks around at each of the boys, who all avoid his gaze*
Hope: Me and Mystery were exploring and having fun! :3
Charles: Well, that's nice.
Hope: Yeah. We're hungry now, though. But he keeps saying I can't eat. *frowns and gestures toward Nathan*
Nathan: I said you can't eat here
Hope: No, you didn't! >[
Nathan: This is our food.
Murderface: Yeah, it's oursch, you can't have it!
Nathan: Rrh.
Hope: *glares at Murderface, but doesn't even bother to start insulting him again*
Charles: Well, you're certainly allowed to eat. But if the band doesn't want company, then I'm afraid you'll have to eat somewhere else.
Hope: But...but...I wanna eat with Mystery! D8
Charles: *looks around at the boys once again* Anyone wanna weigh in on this?
*Murderface stabs at a bit of steak, Skwisgaar only has eyes for his guitar, and Pickles is staring down at the table.*
Hope: *looks in Toki's direction hopefully*
Toki: Uh... Why can'ts Mystries friend haves the dinners meal? How abouts, just this one time?
Nathan: *big sigh* I don't know, Toki... What if this starts happening every day, and more kids come, and then dinnertime...will never be the same. Do you want that?
Murderface: It'll be dinnertime anarchy.
Hope: But I'm only here because I'm with Mystery... *seems confused by their thought process*
Murderface: Do you wanna be reshponshible for dinnertime anarchy and chaos, Toki? B[
Toki: *mouth hangs open as he processes this* D: ......But we always does this the same way, all borings!
Hope: *starting to look very grumpy at the lack of immediate food, and she looks over at Mystery* Can't you say something to just make 'em say yes? :\
Mystery: *semi-pouts at Charles*
Hope: ...That'll work. *smug grin, knowing from experience that pouting often gets her her way*
Charles: Don't you think it would be a good social experience for Mystery to engage in various activities with other children?
Toki: Yeah, it ams goods learning experience, for beings the normal kids!
Skwisgaar: Ja, kids gots to be wells adjusked.
(Krys: ...The very idea of either of these kids possibly helping the other to be better-adjusted cracks me up. Seriously.)
*Pickles is also pouting at Charles, and giving him a "please no" sort of look.*
Hope: *decides to try her own pout up at Charles, hands clasped in front of her*
*Charles is almost amused.*
Hope: Pleeeeease, me n' Mystery haven't eaten anything other than snacks so far! *super puppy eyes* We're reeeeeeeally hungry! :[ *or at least, she is, which is what matters more*
Charles: Nathan, this isn't my job, you boys have to make a decision.
Toki: Yeah Nathans, makes a decision!
Mystery: Yeah, Dad, it's boring being the only ki-
Hope: Yay! *claps her hands giddily*
*Pickles sighs and gloomily eats a waffle with his hands.*
Charles: I'm just going to let Hope's family know where she is. *steps aside to do so*
*Mystery reaches for pancakes, practically climbing onto the table due to her small size. No one has taught her that this is rude. Meanwhile, Nathan has constructed an awful/amazing pancake and bacon sandwich.*
Hope: *hops up into an available chair that is there I guess? and stares at Nathan's creation* Wooooooow... *looks around at the plates of food, then back at Nathan's horrible sandwich; she then begins to make an equally terrible waffle/sausage/egg sandwich* Hey... *offhandedly, to Mystery* Why're the eggs all yellowy-white here?
Mystery: Because...they're eggs?
Hope: *does not find this to be a satisfactory answer* The ones I have are usually green. Or sometimes blue. But mostly green. :\
Mystery: Wow. That's weird.
Hope: These yellowy eggs are weirder. What do they come from? *begins eating her sandwich-monstrosity rather messily, as it is quite large*
Murderface: From a chicken'sh butt.
Hope: Oh, I've heard of chickens before! Keeska doesn't like them. ...Does it really come from a chicken's butt, though? *looks at her sandwich a bit distrustingly then*
Murderface: Yesch they do. That'sch how they have their babiesch.
*Pickles scoffs in disgust of the conversation and glares at his own eggs.*
Hope: Oh, so...Gasqueegasplootch eggs come from its butt, too?
Murderface: *incredulous look* What?!
Hope: Oh, right, you wouldn't know. You think I'm from pretend space. ...I wonder if Keeska knows? *starts messing with her communicator*
*Charles has contaced Zim and Dib via phone and told them about the situation; their reaction is pending.*
*Zim and Dib would quite like to join their 'daughter' - Zim just wants something to do, while Dib just wants to make sure Hope doesn't behave too awfully.*
Charles: Nathan, ah, I'm speaking with Hope's parents, and it seems that they want to check in on her.
Nathan: Uh, will they be...taking her back with them? 8|
Charles: Well, I don't know. They haven't said.
Hope: Ooh! I want Keeska to come! There's waffles, Keeska! *she yells this part loud in the hopes that Zim can hear*
Pickles: *a look of horror* ...The little green guy?
Charles: Yes, Pickles, Zim is green. It's a, ah, skin condition.
*What's going on on the other line...*
Dib: *near Tak's ship, holding a communicator; he is grumbling somewhat* condition... >_>
Zim: Zim would like to try waffles that AREN'T horridly burned or made by an insane SIR unit! Let us join our pet-smeet! *tugs on Dib's arm insistently*
Dib: Zim, it's not up to us. >_>;
*And then back with everyone else...*
Pickles: Nnnooo! Don't make me be in the same room with him again! Toki, you were there! You remember!?
Charles: Did you and Zim have a disagreement, Pickles?
Pickles: *sits and boils* Yes.
Hope: Keeska didn't mean to make you mad, Mister Pickles! D:
Pickles: Dood, he said harrible things to me!
Skwisgaar: Awww, Pickle, dids you gets your feelings hurt?
Hope: Keeska didn't mean it, honest! Germs and smelly stuff just...makes him kinda...insane. >_>
Murderface: Yeah, he doeshn't wanna get any of Pickles cooties.
Pickles: Yeah, Murderface, you're one to talk. *drinks copiously, and I dont mean orange juice*
*What's going on on the other line...*
Dib: *to Charles* Um, well, I think after Hope eats, we'll be keeping her closer to us so we can keep stuff like this from happening, but...uh, if she's made a friend, I don't really want to separate them just yet... *looks and sounds uncomfortable*
Zim: *grabs phone from Dib, and yells over it to Charles* We are joining our smeet, and that is Zim's final decision! NOTHING can change Zim's mind! Not even- *Dib grabs the phone back* -hey!
Charles: *to Dib* If Zim insists on coming, it would be great if you could keep him under control. Him and Pickles do not seem to see eye to eye.
Dib: Uh, right. Okay. That's fine. I could probably do something to keep Hope mostly...behaving, too. *quietly* I hope.
Zim: Gimme that! *grabs for the phone again, only to have Dib hold it out of reach* Nrgh-! >_o
*And then back with everyone else*
Nathan: You're letting them come?! What is wrong with you?!
Charles: Nathan, please. Hope will be able to leave with her parents as soon as she is done here. *gives him a meaningful look* Do you see what I mean?
Nathan: .........Yeah yeah yeah, fine. Yes. That will do.
Charles: Well then. *to Dib* Please wait to be escorted to the dining room. Ciao. *hangs up*
Nathan: *cringe* I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say "ciao".
Hope: *to Mystery* Maybe you can come by and play with me later while Daddy and Keeska work on the ship! I've got some neat hologram games! :] *stuffs a sausage in her mouth*
Mystery: Holograms? Isn't that what you use on stage sometimes, Dad?
Nathan: Holograms...yeah.
*Toki babbles something about holograms through a mouthful of food.*
Nathan: Toki. B|
Hope: I like 'Battle for Meekrob' best...cuz you can shoot Meekrob aliens. That one's a virtu-visor game, but Keeska got me an extra visor, so I can play it with other kids sometimes. I've never played it with another human kid, though.
*Eventually, Zim stalks in, Dib following and looking as though he expects Hope to be throwing a tantrum; he then looks very relieved when he finds her more or less cheerful.*
Zim: ZIM has arrived! Rejoice, smeety!
Hope: *squees*
Dib: *waves uncomfortably to the band members* Uh, hey. ...Weird day, huh?
Pickles: ... *drinks some more*
Dib: *sees him, and laughs nervously* Yeah...
Hope: I kicked that guy! *points over at Skwisgaar* Me n' Toki, we both kicked him! It was neat!
Skwisgaar: No, its was most cortenly not neats!
Zim: *grins proudly, and pats Hope on the head* That's a good smeet! x]
Dib: Hope, you shouldn't kick people.  ._.
Pickles: *to Dib* You live with this guy?
Dib: Uh, yeah, I do.
Pickles: *sounds impressed* Wow. That is something. That's talent.
Dib: *wearily* I guess you could call it that. *frowns somewhat*  But, uh, trust me, this is him on a good day. >_>
Zim: You crashed our ship, how is that good? >\
Dib: ...Relatively good, then. Just...yeah.
Pickles: If I hadda do daet I would die. Or I would kill him... ...Both...
Toki: *smiles nervously* ...Ahahaha, Pickle, you a pretty funny guy...
Dib: Well, you just gotta get used to...some things. I'm...used to it, I guess. *shrugs* >_>
Zim: *doesn't even seem to notice, or care, what Pickles is saying, as he is testing a waffle; when he decides it is up to his standards, he shoves a whole one in his mouth*
Nathan: *is, of course, frowning*
Pickles: Toki. Please peass the jelly.
Toki: Which ones? *looks at the pyramid of assorted jellies*
Hope: *to Skwisgaar* Hey, so is your friend still around? :]
Skwisgaar: ...Huh?
Hope: That friend you told us about! The shy one!
Skwisgaar: Ooooh, ehah, yuh dats friend. Ja, no, she ams goes home alreadies.
Hope: Already? You should have just played with me, Mystery, n' Toki, then.
Murderface: I didn't know Skwisgaar had friendsh.
Nathan: No, you know. One of his friends.
Murderface: ......OOOOHHHH, right, right. "Friend". *eyebrow wiggling*
Hope: *to Dib* I kicked him cuz he went to play with someone else, so it's okay. :0
Dib: No, no it's not. *frowns at Hope, then realizes what they really mean by 'friend'* ...OH. ...Um. >___>; Hope, uh...he was...playing a game that you're not allowed to play yet. Or...ever, preferably.
Hope: Aww, man! You never let me play those kinds of games! Stupid ratings. It's just violence and bad words and stuff... *swings her feet grumpily*
Dib: ...Yeah. Sure, we'll go with that. >_>
Skwisgaar: Poor Murderface amn'ts playings dat games neithers. *smug look*
Murderface: Hey, I've played my fair shcare of gamesh, alright. B|
Zim: What game? *blank look* What are you all talking about?
Dib: Nothing you have to worry about, Zim. *rolls eyes*
Zim: Eeeeeehn? Tell Zim!
Hope: I think it's a video game. :0
Pickles: Cean we tahk aboot somethin else? 8|
Dib: Yes, please. That would be great! 8D;
Zim: *makes a very disgruntled sound and crosses his arms; his mouth is partially stuffed with waffle*
Skwisgaar: Pickle is just resgentfuls because he uh...has a hards time playins dat games!
Zim: What GAME?! What are you even talking about, music-beast?!
Toki: Whu...? Oh yeah, cuz Pickle gots the whiskey di-
Pickles: CHILDREN are present Toki, kay, thanks, moving ahn!
Hope: *remembers something* OH! Daddy, that guy thinks I'm pretending about being in space! *points at Murderface*
Dib: *suddenly looks even more uncomfortable* Um, Hope, it's...not polite to point. *ignores her actual words* >>;
Hope: But Daddy-! >[
Zim: Urgh, these people. They don't make any sense! x[
Dib: >>; *nibbles on a sausage to avoid commenting on this*
Murderface: YOU don't make any shenche, you're GREEN!
Zim: It's a SKIN CONDITION, you fool! +_+
Toki: Yeah, he has the space skins condishnuns!
Zim: Eeeehn, space?! NO! Zim is a normal Earth monster! Nothing to do with space at all! >[
Dib: *groans and sinks down further in his chair* Zim, please, quiet down a little... ._.
Pickles: Poor bastard.
*Toki is a little confused as to why Zim lies about being from space, and also why nobody seems to realize he's from space.*
Hope: Keeska, I think Toki already figured out that you're an alien... You used your spiderlegs and everything. :\
Dib: ...You used...your spiderlegs in front of him? >[
Zim: ...Uh, I might have. 8|

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