Well, DA totally sucks now, so I'm going to foam at the mouth. Pardon me a minute. ((FOOOOOOAM)) Yeah, so thanks to that damned new LAYOUT, DA only works on freakin' Internet Explorer for me, and Internet Explorer SUCKS BALLS.
Anyways, yeah. Krys joined LJ - SHOCK AND AMAZEMENT. ...Actually, to tell the truth, I joined somewhere around two weeks ago, but didn't feel like stating that I had joined at that particular time. Cuz I'm a lazy bum whose posterior is filled with much laziness like some kinda weird laziness pinata. HIT ME AND I WON'T DO ANYTHING AND YOU'LL WIN COMFORTABLE FURNITURE IN WHICH TO BE LAZY IN. And, wow, I'm not even bothering to write decently anymore, am I? Soooo...uh...what was the point of this paragraph again...? ......Oh. Right. I joined LJ. Whoo. Rejoice my pathetic-itude, for it pwnz that of all others. Or...don't, I don't really care.
And, well...I have nothing else to talk about, so... I shall now state how boring the Interweb is being by posting this picture I half-assedly drew n' colored (and placed on crappy DA, which is CRAPTASTICAL with an extra helping of CRAP). CHECK IT OWT.