So I took an IQ test, and...
Left Brain
Right Brain
"Your IQ Score puts you in the highest Genious range of intelligence (140+), indicating that you are at the very top of the intelligence scale. The right side of your brain has dominance over the left side. This means that you are better at big picture thinking, creativity and possibly hands on activites than you are at numerical or logically based activities. Your numerical skills are about average and you are able to get by with numbers and mathematics. A stronger grasp of mathematical concepts and more practice with maths and numbers would help you in planning your finances or understanding statistics, however you are a highly logical person with an excellent grasp of both basic and advanced logical concepts. You are excellent at constucting arguments and following through ideas to their logical conclusions. A firm grasp of logic coupled with better creativity has the potential to make you a fantastic problem solver. You are a very visual person and have fantastic visual analysis skills. This helps you to achieve excellent results in visual design."
Free Poll ugg classic tall ...I got this load of crap. If it's all true, then why do I always feel like an idiot? 8D