I have very little interesting stuff to post, but...I'm posting anyway! You can't stop me!
First off is the pairing meme I stole from Emi, ha.
...More of my ships are from original stuff... XD;
Six ships you’re into right now:
1. Zim + Dib (Invader Zim, of course) - I actually find the one-sided and/or platonic stuff more interesting, but of course, hardly anyone ever does that, because apparently porn rules the lives of all slash fans. But anyway, I know the pairing can make only the vaguest of sense; if it's done right it can be quite awesome, but it's rarely done right. Thus, I mostly stick with it because the opportunities for hilarity are practically endless. ...I especially like the idea of their having nonsensical near-constant lover-spat-type-things. Ahh, so dysfunctional! :D
2. Joy + Obsidian (Heavenshine, my original story) - Highly platonic, but it's obvious that they really care for each other (later on in the story, that is). ...Joy would totally top if they did stuff, though. 8|
3. Tablet + Pixel (Graffiti Kingdom) - This pairing would just be hilarious no matter what. Seriously. Besides, they've totally got a thing for each other.
4. Bob + Joe (PB&J - some random and awesome thing between me and Mayliachan on DeviantART) - THEY BELONG TOGETHER
5. Atrephi + Lindsay (Bleached Canvas, another original story) - Again, highly platonic. Mostly because Atrephi is made of energy. XD
6. Breccan + Etoile (Heavenshine) - ...Shut up. Just...shut up. I know I'm horrible already, geez. Anyway, unless I decide to write a sequel, NO, it's not even canon. So just...shut up. >___>;
It's not part of the meme, but here's other stuff I enjoy:
Jack + Aku (Samurai Jack) - It's just absolutely bizarre in every possible manner, which I find awesome (and hilarious)
Jez + Rat (OCs of mine for Invader Zim) - Super-platonic and also highly adorable 8|;
Vegeta + Bulma (DBZ) - Practically the only canon pairing I enjoy that isn't of my own creation...
Giroro + Natsumi (Keroro Gunsou/Sgt. Frog) - ...I think it's cute. ._.
Flapjack + K'nuckles (Misadventures of Flapjack, and whatever else is in that ridiculously long title) - ...It's practically canon. 8|;
Ben + Shale (Heavenshine) - Again, pretty platonic, mostly because Shale isn't very good at being straight-forward, and Ben is both shy and kind of thick-headed about that kind of stuff. And...I think it works best that way, with both of them being absolutely terrible at telling each other their feelings. xD;
Toph + Sokka (Avatar) - They're seriously just perfect for each other. o.o
Kisshu + Ryou (Tokyo Mew Mew) - Mostly because of the weirdness that went on in me and Emi's roleplay. So whack, it was. Also, it's just funny.
Mew + Mewtwo (Pokemon) - YES, I KNOW MEWTWO IS MEW'S CLONE, SHUT UP >____>;;;
I probably forgot some. XD
Three ships you liked, but don’t like any more:
7. Kisshu + Ichigo (Tokyo Mew Mew) - There's really no way to make this pairing interesting anymore. Their personalities aren't even really well suited for each other. Hence why I think Kisshu and Minto would work better.
8. Usagi + Mamoru (Sailor Moon) - ...Meh. Their relationship made more sense in the live action series, anyway. I was actually like 'FUCKING GET TOGETHER ALREADY GEEZ'
9. Sesshoumaru + Kagura (InuYasha) - I don't even remember why I liked that pairing...
Four ships you never liked:
10. Anything from Kingdom Hearts
11. Anyone + Gaz (Invader Zim) I particularly dislike Zim/Gaz. 8\
12. Zuko + Katara (Avatar)
13. Bella + Edward (Twilight)
...Actually...anything from Twilight. ...Twilight overall. Ugh.
Also, never cared for Ryou + Ichigo.
Two ships you’re curious about, but don’t actually ship:
14. Vegeta + Goku (DBZ) - HAAAAAAAAAAAA. ...Yeah, I dunno. ...Also, I think Vegeta would make for a hilarious uke. 8| (Of course, no one ever writes for that.)
15. Zuko + Aang (Avatar) - In my own opinion, before certain spoilers happened, this pairing kind of had similarities to ZADR. Only, without aliens. XD And, after the spoilers, the idea just became a little too cute for me. (LAWL SPOILER: Zuko hugged Aang more often than he did Katara, and even kinda-sorta danced with him. Take THAT, Zutara fans.)
I thought the concept of Sesshoumaru and Naraku was kind of interesting at some point, but I don't remember why. o.o I also was curious about Naruto and Gaara, but once I stopped caring about that series, I stopped being curious about the pairing. :\
Why do you dislike #11 so much?
One, because I don't really like Gaz all that much, and two, relationships of any sort just go against her character altogether, because she hates fucking EVERYTHING. (Except video games and pizza. ...She can be paired with those. Yeah. ...Totally.) Also, pairing her with Zim makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. They hardly ever interact, and it's clear she could care less about him so long as he stays the hell away from her. And she thinks he's a total idiot. I mean, geez.
Who do you know that ships #14?
Um, no one that I personally know, but I'm sure a lot of people ship it...
What would your ideal scenario be for couple #3?
I...don't know. Pixel has some growing up to do first. He's only like...nine. XD
Which is your favorite moment for couple #3?
When Tablet's all 'You should be my best friend, Pixel', but you can totally tell he's talking about something else just from the tone of voice he's using.
How long have you been following couple #6?
FUCK YOU, MEME. JUST RUB IT IN, WHY DON'T YOU. (Since Breccan's personality started to develop more to where he actually behaves more or less like any other human being. Albeit a twisted, fucked up one with more personality defects than can be counted on one hand or possibly even two.)
Which ship do you prefer #2 or #4 ?
I can't choose between those! They're both precious to me! D:
What interests you about #15?
It used to give off kinda the same vibes as ZADR. But then it started being all cutesy, so I wasn’t as interested in the possibilities.
Why did you stop liking #8 ?
Their relationship isn't very interesting. The two of them are basically just stuck together by fate, and Usagi really didn't even start liking Mamoru until she found out about the whole Moon Kingdom dealie, and even then, it was only because he was cute or whatever. And I don't even KNOW why Mamoru hangs around her. In the live action series, though, you can actually tell why they like each other, and it's certainly not just because of their looks. Plus, that relationship took a long time to form; I think well over thirty episodes had gone by before they even considered a possibility of getting together, and I don't think they even talked to each other about it until even later! Way better than the anime, definitely! (But that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna start shipping it again.)
Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show/comic?
No. The length of the show/comic and the retardedness of the fanbase did. Oh, and the retardedness of the story, too.
What’s a song that reminds you of #5 ?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 'Citizen of the Planet' by Alanis Morissette. Don't ask me why, though, I'll never be able to explain it. Also, 'Step Into the Sun' by Solid State Revival. But I can't explain that, either. 8|
Have #2 kissed yet?
No. And it'll probably be a loooooooooong while until they do. And even then, it probably wouldn't be mentioned. Or it would only be vaguely alluded to. (In the Alternate, however, they might share a quick peck perhaps.)
Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Bob and Joe don't even really have any set story. XD; I'm sure they'll be happy, though.
What would make you start shipping #14?
People writing it in a vaguely in-character fashion. Preferably with Vegeta as uke. (Paradox...?!)
If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6?
You god damn fuckin' meme. I hate you. (It would have to be Joy and Obsidian. Breccan and Etoile would only become canon if I wrote a sequel, which is not terribly likely anyway.)
(Also, before anyone asks, no, I didn't order the pairings the way they were on purpose.)
Which do you dislike the most?
Which of these ships do you love the most?
I dunno. Joy and Obsidian's been with me the longest, but Zim and Dib has brought me to quite a few interesting people... Then there's Bob and Joe, who never fail to make me laugh... Augh, I can't choose! DX
I'm doing the animation meme, too, but right now I'm too lazy to finish it and post it. So, have some more art instead.
First is the newest possible background for Spectrum Spelunker! I'll also be using this for a comic I'm working on.
Next up is a commission I completed recently. Yeah, that's right, I'm doing commissions. And I do believe the prices are pretty reasonable, so
check it out if you would!
Next up is this highly epic (or at least somewhat epic) Hue!
In agreement with Emi, I think I was subconsciously trying to make it like some kind of Japanese-or-Japanese-inspired banner of sorts. Meanwhile, another friend said it reminded him of...Che Guevara? Or something like that. xD;
Next up is a somewhat minor character in another novel (aside from Heavenshine and Bleached Canvas) that I'm working on. Of course, at the moment, 'working on' means 'reduxing shoddily made characters and fixing the plot'. But anyway, her design and backstory only came to me after the song 'Greensleeves' started playing.
(Note: Picture is kind of fugly due to cruddy jpeg compression)
Before you go all 'oh, ha, how clever, her sleeves are green, just like that song', I'll state that in my defense, her clothes were already originally supposed to be green. So there. ...I must admit, though, I am highly tempted to have her last name be Greensleeves, if only because I think it's funny for whatever lame reason. (Her first name is Wetheria, by the way. She is a spirit of the earth, and also the unwilling wife of a king. I say unwilling because she'd much rather be out in a forest with the trees and other earth spirits.)
Next up is...well, it's just Voldemort.
He's probably about to kill someone. :]
Next is just a little sketch for a commission I'm working on - I still have to add some stuff to it, though.
And, finally, here's the main character cast of the same story Queen Wetheria is from.
From left to right: Velanti Reladio, Aurora White, Mai Delgado, Jose Gutierrez, and Kester Silmereta. The middle three are simple humans, all in their senior year of high school. Kester is a swan spirit, but is not very good at acting like one (he IS very flashy, though). Meanwhile, Velanti is a vampire. (An actual vampire, and not a pussified Twilight vampire. Kay thanks.) You can read a more in-depth description of the characters
And that's all!
*flies away, remembers she can't fly, falls into a pathetic heap, and then crawls off to nurse her broken legs*