Praise God, that I managed to refocus on Him today after reading this article on
Boundless, instead of getting distracted by some things some of my girl friends know about. :) Those who know about it, I encourage you to rejoice with me, because I hope you'll be glad to see that one of our number has returned yet again to God!
"OK, I think I see what you mean," he said slowly. "But what's community have to do with joy?"
"In Philippians, there's a guy named Epaphroditus. Remember him?"
Andrew shrugged. The name sounded vaguely familiar.
"Paul found a huge amount of encouragement when this guy came to visit him in prison.7 Now, do you think Epaphroditus was just some guy Paul shook hands with after church? Or somebody who tried to look super-spiritual in his small group?"
"Probably not...."
"Of course not! Paul says they shared ministry and friendship. Would he celebrate over some clown he hardly knew? Here's the true test of community, brother: Is it joy to be with them? Do they encourage you; lift you up closer to Christ? Do you look forward to basking in their love? Sounds to me like your 'small group' isn't very encouraging. You only go to the Spanish Inquisition because you feel guilty, and then you leave feeling even worse."
I'm proud to be able to say I have a true community - people I look forward to being able to spend time again and yet again simply because we can honestly build one another up, and reflect the love of God.
How much else can I express this joy in my heart!