Give thanks to the Lord
Our God and King
His love endures forever
For He is good
He is above all things
His love endures forever
Sing praise, sing praise
Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us
Forever and ever
Starbucks today was very productive, and I'm extremely satisfied with today. Perhaps I should do this more often, but maybe not contribute as much to the already rampant globalisation (sorry, SS overload) occuring in Singapore - no need to feed the insatiable appetite of business. Hmmm.
I haven't been myself the past few days, maybe even the past few weeks. As much as I'd like to blame the insanely hot weather which attributed to my being cranky, I know it wasn't the root cause.
Many things have been happening, some of which I do not care to talk about here. However, one thing I do know, is that I hadn't spent much time with myself.
I'd been so lost. Honestly, I was losing myself. The only thing I knew was I wasn't the person I once recognised, the one I had loved. Extremely irritable and easily tired, I guess those who are close to me would be blind not to realise. My parents have been worrying, and I'm ashamed to say I was actually irritated by their concern. To give them credit, they knew not to push too hard. Thank God for Him, or I might have broken. But I was too blind to see.
There were also books that I had been reading which made me have thoughts that I believe was not obedient to God's will, and I'd found how absolutely I despised it. Entertaining it was a huge mistake on my part, but I'm glad I made my stand against it.
My journal, 30 April 2008 Wednesday
I want to read my Bible, and my edifying books again. May this stand as a testament against Satan and his devil plans to draw me away from God.
How could I not have seen before? Or rather, why didn't I do anything about it?
I want to love You so deeply that I won't turn to them again.
So there, Satan.
Matthew 12:21
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
It's times like these, where I don't really know if this is being a good testimony about having joy in the Lord. It all seems so.. superficial. As in, something good has to happen before I rejoice in Him. I'm trying to discover what that truly means. When I find it, I'll tell you. (: Meanwhile, I'm off to worship Him in my studies!
But to me the best measure of maturity is not from the outside. It's from the inside of a person, from knowing the ways of the world, it's from understanding that you don't understand, and making an attempt to have a mind of your own. It's also about being independent, not stubbornly independent, but taking to account interdependence. In the book: 7 habits of highly effective people, Steven Covey lists habit no. 7 under that of interdependence upon one another. Maturity, to me it's also about knowing your limitations, so you are wary of yourself, and in a larger context, the hoi polloi. I believe maturity, or, riping comes at a very different time for everyone. Some I know are mature at 15. Some, who THINK they are mature, aren't even there at 18. Of all, maturity is instigated by one's own mind, one's own attempt to understand the world and himself and the people around him. Because through these, a person will know how to survive in this world, know this world, and recognize a part of his place in this world, and also to help others in this world. Ultimately, it must be for progression.
To come to think of it, there are so many definitions. These are just some to make you think.
From: One thing I know for sure: mature people know the meaning of delayed gratification. (: