May 23, 2006 20:46
I LOVE PLAYING MURDERER WITH MY CLASSMATES! xD And I agree with Dewi, it's very addictive, haha. Especially when I'm the 'murderer' (((: Ohohoh and taitee's also addictive too! :D
I stayed back for nothing, because in the end there wasn't council meeting.. so I went to Starbucks at Orchard with Gracia and Ainslee(: Stupid Winzu didn't come cause she was afraid of being scolded by her mom. And she's also stupid because later on, she smsed Ainslee saying that she forgot she'd canceled her piano lesson (a reason why she should've come with us; but she didn't -_-). Anyhoos, I freeloaded off Gracia and Ainslee! HAHA. Because they couldn't finish the food. The potatoes were big and Gracia was already half full, so I ate most of hers(: Lol. I also drank some of both their frappucinos! Wheeeee. Oh yeah, and we saw the acapella group (minus the lead) who performed for assembly today in Starbucks too, they came in quite a while after we did. (:
After we finished everything, we went home together by MRT(: And Gracia crapped a lot which made Ainslee laugh like crazy. Super funny, going out with them.. xD! Okay I don't feel like blogging anymore. =\ That's odd. Oh wells!
My stupid ankle hurts. >< Training tomorrow, so I shall not bring guitar. Boohoohoo. Hmm, maybe friday.
Hey darling, I'm missing you terribly.
Give me a sign, please, anything.