sermon during combined service! :D

Feb 26, 2006 14:47

i'm back from church, we had combined service today! it was quite fun, oh and i sat with laura and annie. worship was great, but the sermon by adriel was even better((: i will put my notes on the sermon below, if you want it. anyway we also had Holy Comminion! :D after the sermon we sang 'With All I Am' once again (we sang it before during worship).. i could really feel God's presence then. during the song, closing my eyes, i felt as if no one was around, and it was just me standing there singing to God alone. it was a truly great feeling.

first-hand Christians: those who have experienced God already
second-hand Christians: those who know a lot about God, have memorized memory verses and
such, but have only received second-hand news about experiencing God, and have
never experienced God for themselves.

Needs a CONVERTER - a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

Mark 5:23 - “and pleaded earnestly with him, ‘My little daughter is dying. Please come and put Your hands on her so that she will be healed and live”.

Cross -> resurrection
You will not experience the power of God until you experience the cross.

1. get down on knees and surrender (5 mins in the morning)
- what you do in the physical matters in the spiritual.
2. get down on knees and ask for forgiveness for the wrong in your life (5 mins at night)

God longs for us and waits for us.
‘The Hound of Heaven’ - a poem by Francis Thompson -The Hound being God, His chasing after us but also waiting for us to go to Him.

Silence is the key to presence - 1 Kings 19:11-2
“After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.” (a still, small voice)

Mark 5:27-28 - “When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, If I just touch his clothes, I will be made well.”
Dare to believe in miracles.
Must have the right currency! Password for grace? FAITH.
What you think in your head will determine your faith.

1. Get into the Bible - find out who God really is
2. Talk to yourself - the “WHAT IS JESUS” principle
- On the cross, God took everything that is of Jesus (except His being God) to give to us, and also took our sins away. [all that Jesus is, WE ARE!]
- God wants to bless us because we are in Christ. He wanted to bless Jesus and so he wants to bless us too!

Stop talking about the size of your problems to God, tell your problems about the size of your God!!


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