May 15, 2005 23:43
Damn, they had to go and kick us out right as I was getting ready to
party big at UM . . . ah well, at least I could watch everyone get
drunk off their asses.
I thought taking that stupid fiction writing class would help me become
a better writer. Okay, so that's a lie. But I was hoping it
was inspire me to want to write once I was done with it. There's
nothing that makes you want to write a decent story than reading twenty
other stories that are just bad interpretations of a book someone obviously never read (ask me about the Lolita spin-off, it's freakin' hilarious).
But no, I've done so many writies and rewrites that I'm all tapped
out! I have lost the will to write. I sigh, I groan, I
scream to the heavens . . WHY?
I go on hiatus and enjoy my free time to sleep.