7 Things

Mar 06, 2009 11:53

1. I remembered to breathe deep this morning, around 6am, ten or so full breaths and all the potential skullpain seemed to have gone. After I fell asleep again, I had a dream I was a secret agent, and one of my mom's old friends was outfitting me with dope gear.

2. My language in dreams is so different than the language I use in the world of flesh. Everything is more fluid there, gibberish with intent. The character of the words don't matter, it's the act of making noise, a telepathic breach between the hard mathematical craft of language and the realm of the mind that turns those equations into tapestries to hang behind eyelids.

3. Sometimes I will talk in gibberish all night. This usually means my dreams are at their loveliest.

4. Sometimes I will feel extraordinarily bad about using the first-person singular pronoun all the time in both writing and speaking. Listening to the things I say, reading the things I've written, I can't help but feel shame, which is a feeling I despise, so in turn it becomes about feeling ashamed for feeling ashamed.

5. Feeling shame is so useless. Accept the way things are, accept your responsibility in them, move on because no one else will do it for you.

6. Sister Christian, oh the time has come. And you know that you're the only one.

7. You're motoring.
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