Jan 19, 2009 09:08
me: negra you best haev mah paper
Pierre: Your paper?
me: yes
new york times sunday edition
Pierre: sheeit NGH i ain't have no bicycle
get your own
me: or my dollars
im back in the saddle
Pierre: Are you rapping right now or is that a metaphor?
me: ahaha im just talking
im at work
though on MLK DAY
Pierre: Is it?
Shit on me and call me a sundae.
I forgot about that
me: ahaha
easily forgotten
because we are racist
Pierre: It's true.
I'm totally racist in my choice of mates. I've only dated white girls.
Or wait, would it be more racist if I dated black girls?
Would I be oppressing them?
Shit, I'm confused.
Help me, P-Ryce.
me: Just assume you're racist, you've got the right idea.
Pierre: Help me make sense of this mean ol' world.
me: Never watch some or all the Lord of The Rings movies all the way through on a Sunday because the rest of the world will never seem as good as the world of Middle Earth
Pierre: Okay.
that's a deal
Only the first movie interests me anyway.
and mostly the Gandalf parts
me: have you not seen the others?
Pierre: But when I saw Two Towers in the theater, my mom came with me and during the Helm's Deep battle, when the elves show up in their purple robes and shit, she leaned over to me to say, "Look Josh, the Egyptians are coming to fight!"
No, I've seen them all.
2 &3 bore me
me: Balls Deep
Balls Deep
Balls Deep
Balls Deep
Balls Deep
Pierre: just like the Matrix movies
me: I finally watched the Extendeds with Glen, who is great to watch this shit with
he just screams at the screen
Pierre: Jesus. Why would you do that to yourselves?
me: he gets so into it, it's amazing. i've never seen him care so much about a movie
Pierre: Aren't each of them like 4 hours long?
me: yeah
Pierre: Fuck that with an iron pole.
me: like i said, it was hard to return to the outside world
to people fighting over their penises and vaginas
Pierre: ... you do make a point.
But after about 137 minutes of perfect hobbit asexuality, I get kind of lonely for cocks & cunts.
I feel like yelling at the screen, too.
Like, "Hey! Hey! You have a _dick_! And it shoots out _fluids_! Dirty awesome disease-transmitting fluids!"
The problem with Middle Earth is that nobody in it has an asshole.
me: That is true -- the problem is its perfection!
Not only perfection in terms of the characters
but in the flawlessness of the production's design.
Everything is neatly packaged and appropriate.
And even death is a journey on a ship to an eternal land, with your friends.
It's a bad drug, I must concur. But a tasty one nonetheless.
Pierre: Of course it's tasty. That's how they get you.
That's like when people claim to hate Wal-Mart, then explain the fact that they still shop there with, "But it's so _cheap_!"
That's like saying heroin is addictive.
me: ahahah
Pierre: You dumb motherfucker, that is its _nature_.
me: The Wal-Mart example is good
Pierre: i.e. "Look bitch, you knew I was a snake."
me: Yeah, but I don't care, its raw escapist media
I never would apologize for it.
Pierre: Well, you're abusing with knowledge. That doesn't require apology.
me: I need that in MY MAIN LINE
Pierre: As the Doctor said: Buy the ticket, take the ride.
me: Doctor who?
It was so hard when it was over, Glen just said, let the credits roll and let's go for a walk.
Pierre: Dr. Thompson silly
me: Which was a good way to vent the Tolkien from our spleens
Pierre: And since your walk wasn't in New Zealand fantasy paradise, it was disappointing?
me: ahahaha
so sad
i know
but the walk got better
Hey now don't leave me in the throes of Step 1
Pierre: I have no idea what you mean by that.
Perhaps I am stupid with hunger.
I am going to go eat huge amounts of food.
I hope to someday write and draw a crude cartoon about your life, Paul Rice.
au revoir