Elsewhere on the web

Nov 01, 2007 20:00

Last updated on 19 November 2007

My public content is topic-specific, and personal info is kept to a minimum on these sites. All of these are hosted on my domain.

Bookworm's Quest: I've combined five "top 100" lists into one massive reading list. (Yes, it's going to take at least 10 years to finish this, and yes, I'm a little crazy.) This site contains the full reading list, a list of the books I've completed, and an infrequently-updated blog. The blog is syndicated at bookwormsquest.

Knitting Affairs: My knitting blog. Update intervals are kind of inconsistent, though. Syndicated at knittingaffairs.

Pages Turned: A list of all the books I've completed since January 2007. It's very barebones - no reviews, no list sorting functions, nothing.


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