Oct 02, 2004 09:57
AGAIN. a crazy ass nite. yesterday i woke up and went to school which seem like it lasted sooo long. but as soon as i got out time flew by. me kayla n andrea walked up to our subway..its a religion i swear. then we went to the show. no wait. i went to the show with shawn cuz those kids couldnt fit, so i waited for them to show up for like 2 days at the complex. the complex... i love you. anyway the show was greaaaat, kmo puts so much energy into everything they play and it is reflected like hell in the crowds. so! kayla and ann left with barry while i got sold for a cig to the complex guys. then! i left with my bro, brandon, juan and alex. we ended up following some dude on a skateboard with juan saying "immm gonna killll you!" it was pretty fun cuz we talked to him and decided to drag him by the arm down the street at like 20 mph haha. so after that and after juan was finished peeing out the window we got jack in the crack followed and skared the shit out of some lady, convinced the jack in the box people we were high, we went home and i crashed cuz it was 1 and i was tired.
crazy nite. oh and torrie. i love.
RIVER CITY REBEL AND THE TRAMPS!!! nothing will get in my way!