May 05, 2005 12:09
guess what i did for the 1st time ever : ) i pulled an all nighter ........ what sucked was that it wasnt like a fun all nighter it was a studying all nighter boo right ........well it was a little fun because like everyone was over so we would just hang out then go back to studying then hang out again haha oh yeah guess who is here in CC EE!!! Steve cox lol he was telling us some of his stories about his grandma lol .........well this morning at 8 i had my 1st exam my precal exam which i did pretty good on but not good enough i got an 80 : ( ........then after that at 11 i had my political science exam which i think i did pretty good on considering i really didnt know what it was about and had barely started studying the night before :-/..... and well now im getting ready to go to work booo....after work im going to come home and take a little nap and start all over again w/ the studying i have 2 more exams......
oh yeah i dont think im going home until monday or tuesday because i have to finish up some work for pre-cal ...... but when i get home im going to sleep forever......ok maybe not for ever this weekend we all so need to do something....give me a call k .......well love yall muah!!!