"Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl, with yellow feathers in her hair..."

Sep 17, 2009 00:42

Glee - 1x03: Acafellas

I dug this so much more than 'Showmance'.

I don't even know where to begin. The Acafellas pwn so much. 'Poison' was, by far, the most hilarious piece yet. I died laughing. The other songs were good too, but that one pretty much dominated. I already miss Howard, though. :( (Although I wish the songs sounded less studio-recorded. I love them anyway, but I with they'd rough 'em up a bit more. I don't mind them releasing the studio ones, but watching the ep is a little off with the lipsynching.)

Sometimes I feel like the only Glee fan who thinks Rachel/Finn is mostly dull. She's kind of a bitch sometimes, and he's kind of... cute and well meaning, but dumb. I'm just not interested in them. I do find Will/Emma pretty darn adorable, though. ♥

Mercedes getting her heart busted kind of hurt me. :( I hope she gets to hook up with someone at some point. Hopefully someone with as much attitude as her. And Kurt! It was painful to watch him and his Rachel charade, as short as it was, but that last scene was cheesy and cute and so... Glee.

Oh, the costume department on this show owns. Sandy's outfits? Awesome. And Kurt's as well. So much win. Only Big Bang Theory's wardrobe can hold a candle to this. (BUT. What the fuck were the overall/jean-suspender things they had Amber in? She's gorgeous, and I love her, but WHAT?!)

Also, every time Figgins is on screen, I just want to go 'KIDNEY STOOOOOOOOONES!' Is that bad?

...I'll end this here. And here's hoping we get to see some more of the minor characters soon.



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