Nov 04, 2008 22:32
As happy as I am about the results of the election... the LGBT measures are not looking good:
Right this second (12:04am PST), according to
Arkansas Initiative 1: Ban on Gay Couples Adopting Children
Yes 57%, No 43%, with 90% reporting (it's projected that it will pass)
Arizona Proposition 102: Ban on Gay Marriage
Yes 56%, No 44%, with 92% reporting (it's projected that it will pass)
California Proposition 8: Ban on Gay Marriage
Yes 53%, No 47%, with 51% reporting (too early for projections)
Florida Amendment 2: Ban on Gay Marriage
Yes 62%, No 38%, with 99% reporting (it's projected that it will pass)
...I'm not happy with any of this. At all. (To be honest, Prop 8 is the only one I have hope for. I'm seriously considering staying up until the final results are in.)
life sucks today