Bones: 4x01 - Yanks in the UK
First off, let me say Bones has issues capturing my attention for two hours straight. D: I'll summarize my thoughts:
- TJ. Still gorgeous. ♥
- Sweets. Best character ever. (Also, I kind of want to 'ship him with Angela. Or Cam.)
- B/B was surprisingly bearable, even with Booth being a bit over-the-top for me.
- Hodgins was a badass. No joke.
- Hart Hanson is going to get a beating from me. YOU DON'T GET RID OF ZACK AND THEN BREAK UP HODGINS & ANGELA. IT'S NOT ALLOWED. D:
- Indira Varma! I love her.
- Bones needs a larger special effects budget. Or a new special effects company. Or something. Those green screens? LOUSY. And then were actually in London. Do they realize we don't need large, recognizable buildings to figure out location? Also. THE SMOKE. I actually LOL'd and backed up my DVR to watch it again.
So. Decent start to the season, though I preferred 'The Pain in the Heart', writing-wise. :/
ava_leigh_fitz is owed my first born child for letting me onto Ashes to Ashes. Halfway through the pilot I was in love with it. (I have yet to figure out if it's just because I was kind of on a Life on Mars high last week.) GENE. I LOVE HIM. CHRIS. I LOVE HIM MORE. And Keeley Hawes! She's adorable. AND THE GENE/ALEX. It's so obvious, BUT SO EPIC.
TL;DR: Ashes to Ashes = ♥
Nathan Fillion. On Craig Ferguson.. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
4. School sucks. I'm off to do some homework, and then watch episode two of Ashes to Ashes. SO EXCITED.