UM, LYLE SECRET FTW! (It's #42, by the way.) I miss Heroes.
In other news. I'm sure you've all read
Why Bones is the Perfect Show (Or At Least One of the Best Ones Ever) by now. ;) Bones isn't even my number one show right now, and I still agree with the article. ...I kind of want to go watch S1 now. NOSTALGIA!
Reading that was also my cue that Doctor Who has been slowly but steadily taking me over. (Seriously. Bones is wearing Chuck Taylors with its suit and doesn't care if you notice. COME ON.) Speaking of Doctor Who, I just finished 3x08. And I'm hating RTD for his cliffhangers right now. D: Download faster, computer!
Oh! Unpopular opinion time:
Martha > Rose
Seriously. She is so much more badass.
::ducks for cover::