Harper, she's looking at you through her Cat's Eye...and gonna bust up on you causing Bodily Harm...

Sep 26, 2008 01:11

My friend Alison posted this article on Facebook today.


I never really appreciated Margaret Atwood until now. The article paints her into the biggest badass! She basically flips Harper the bird whilst mouthing a BIG F-You (long story short). It breaks my heart but doesn't surprise me [Harpers take on the arts in Canada] and I really agree with Atwood here.

Which also brings me to another issue. Everyone is so caught up in the American elections and completely forgetting that there are Canadian ones happening just before. If you are Canadian and just realised you have to vote soon, get your head out of Obama's ass and do your reading for our election. The Tories need the boot and we can't vote for our neighbours elections anyway!

words to sell

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