My latest annoying mother news

Nov 06, 2015 21:58

The latest from her is that she thinks because I'm worried about money I should finish up maternity leave early and go back to work.  She backed this up by saying that she "had to" go back to work when I was a baby and it did me no harm.

1. I am not worried about money.  I don't know where she got the impression that I'm worried.  I have none, which is a different thing.   I expected this.  I am not worried.

2. She didn't "have to" to go back to work when I was born, she was ABLE TO because she had free childcare in the form of my grandmother.

3.  There is no point in me returning to work because my wage will be entirely wiped out by childcare costs.

4. Gahhhh.

I really don't think she understands what things cost in London. She's really bugging me with her interference lately, but to be slightly charitable to her, I suppose it's possible that because she doesn't see that much of me and we don't chat as much as we would if we lived nearby each other, maybe she's saying things that are so "off" and offensive to me just because she's not really in tune with my life and my plans.  She might be throwing out staying in London solutions to me when I don't actually want to stay here.  And I suppose I can't blame her for that since I haven't told her we're definitely going back yet.  Hmm.

I'm off to that franchise open day thing tomorrow.  I'm leaving Séimi here with his da.  I hope he's ok.    I hope he will drink his bottle and not miss the boob too much.  I wouldn't mind phasing out the boob at this stage and getting back into wearing attractive bras and maybe seeing my periods return!  Sorry all, for the tmi.  
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