(no subject)

Oct 23, 2015 21:42

We got our xmas flights back to Ireland booked.  I had planned to do my duty and go back to my folk's place a week before xmas, but then we ended up getting tickets for that gig so I couldn't.  Now we're going the evening before xmas eve straight to Mickey's folk's place. It shouldn't be a massive deal since my family don't care about the day itself or so they say.  I do feel a little guilty though going to that house, since I'll be moving in there in a matter of months (of which I have informed my parents nothing yet because I'm being cowardly).  It will be ok though.  M will have to go back to London for work and I'll go to my folks' place for a week after xmas (maybe around new years eve or the first week in Jan). But I suffered enough at their place last year, pregnant and sober listening to their drunken nonsense.  My mother has been saying all my life how she hates xmas.  Now I'm excited about it with the kid so she can't blame me for not really wanting to be there.  All this "whose house will we go to" competition shite should be over from next year anyway when we (hopefully) have our own place and we'll be having a delightful no god no meat xmas, haha.

I need to be less of a wuss though, and tell my mother my life plans this weekend.  If she rings tonight, which is very possible, I will.

Me the baby and my sister went out to the huge shopping center yesterday to try and get ideas for gifts for the children.  Ah, it's hard to buy for kids when you want to get them something meaningful.   And I don't even mean something worthy and improving.  Good if she likes something like that!  My main concern is getting my godchild something she thinks is awesome (and I'd rather not promote either royalty or makeup to a 5 year old).  Unfortunately I came out of the place none the wiser.  There were good baby things, but to be honest I'm not really pushed about toys for my little fella yet.  He is happy picking up any old thing he get his hands on (he particularly likes the wires from electronics and cutlery, gah) so he doesn't really need fancy toys yet.  5 year old girls are a hard bracket to buy for, aren't they?  Particularly, entirely apart from my hatred of the whole princess thing pushed on that agegroup, she just doesn't like dolls at all.  Her favourite things are her cuddly toys, particularly her dogs.  She also likes those nasty things with the massive glittery eyes.  Anyone know what I mean?  I'm not sure who makes them.  They have an eerie look to them.   So far I've got her massive duplo sets which both gave her something she liked and satisfied my desire to get her something "decent", since she's my goddaughter.  She's gone a bit beyond the age of duplo now, but I think she's too young for lego friends (plus I have misgivings about the fact that lego friends is a bit heavy on the pink beauty parlours).  Hehh

navelgazing, pinkstinks, family tensions, xmas

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