Apr 26, 2004 18:09
I woke up, although it seemed way too soon. I was tired all day, which wasn't good cause Ms. B was yelling at sleepers, so we all put our heads down in fear. But, hmm.. nothing incredibly eventful happened today. Oh, I found out that the ppl at the lunch table I used to sit at are mad at me. Lol, they can deal. Sooo, I like the table I'm at now! The discussions are....hm...I'm trying to think of a word which can mean enlightening, disturbing, and funny. Well, w/e. It's fun :)
So, after lunch, I was going to the lib. There was a sign, however, which said that the library would be closed that period. I'm like NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I always go the Lib!! I don't even know where my study hall is anymore. And I needed to type an essay. So, I'm walking down a hall in a panic...I think I jsut wanted to be like, dramatic or something...omg..there's no where to go!! I'm...I'm all alone here.. hehe, yea, i need a life. Then, I went back to the library and it was OPEN!!! I'm like, whoa!! YAY!
hen, in art class, Chip decided that we'er not going to be doing the original idea that we had for the project. We were gonna make 2 wizards robes! HOOHAA!! But then, he decided that we're just gonna make like, druids cloaks, which are cool, yea, but I may go on my own and do the wizards robes. So, we spent most of the period playing around with the sheet i brought in to make a model of the robe with. We ended up tying it around our necks and playing SUPERHEROS!!! hehe..hhe...he..ehehe.
So, I spent some of my comp. class in the tiny room behind the math class watching Air type her RPG. Now that I think about it, I probly seemed creepy...just kinda watching...over her shoulder....all I had to do is breathe in and out....in and out..really heavily, and I'd be a bonified stalker-creepy-evil-creepy guy. Sorry if I scared anyone! :):):)hmm..I'm hyper now, I dont know why...Oh, and when I went back to class I told ms B that I couldnt get to the computer to type and shes like "what, did megan beat you up?" and I was like "no but i bet she could" and when meg came back in, ms Bs like "Matt said you beat him up!" and megan, she just glared.......it's always the quiet ones
So later that day, I had to drive my papa to the DMV cause he needed to get plates. Now, I didnt realize that when I drop him off, I have to bring im back, so I'm jsut planning ondroppuign and leaving, but noooooo....I have to wait for like, 45 mins!! I hate the DMV. But the car ride there was awful!!! He was beign a backseat driver the whole time. "slow down, don't get pulled over, turn here now!!" he acts as If I haven't been driving for a year and a half already!! Grr... But, luckily the car ride back was pretty good. We both bashed my dad a lot, so it was cool. And my ppa informed me that he's considering not even going to his wedding!! I'm like, oh awesome, that makes 2 of us! He scolded me for not liking grapfruits though. I'm like.....okay...
And thats it for my day. Oh, on the way home, this guy was driving really slowly and I'm like MOVE!!!! But, that was about it. I got home, I have to go babysit soon, we're having lasagna for dinner, and Cristina just called...how..thrilling....