Sleep Deprevation, Random Hook-ups, & Sake Bombs

Apr 16, 2005 03:25

SOOOOOO TIRED. Last night = much drinking, unexpectedly hooking up with a friend (he's fantastic but . . . well, I just don't know . . . ), & very little sleep (though I made up for some of that by semi-accidentally falling asleep this afternoon and waking up very confused by the 10:13 displayed on my clock).

Walking the dog, then off to bed. Will respond to comments and such tomorrow, I promise.

Instructions for a "SAKE BOMB" (similar to the always-fantastic Irish Car Bomb):

Required items:
- beer
- pint glass
- sake (hot is recommended, but cold works fine, as well)
- chop sticks
- sake glass (a shot glass will work fine, too)
- table (warning: it may get messy)
- friends/family/strangers at a Japanese restaurant to share with

1. Start with about 1/3 to 1/2 of a glass beer (or start with it full and drink it down to that point!) and a sake/shot glass of sake.

2. Place two chopsticks atop the pint glass, parallel to one another and about an inch apart.

3. Balance your glass of sake on the chopsticks.

4. Start banging on the table and chanting something (work it out with your drinking buddies).

5. The pounding should cause the sake to fall down into your beer. CHUG IT.

6. Lather, rinse, repeat.

7. Don't drive or operate heavy machinery.

8. Drink water.

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